Author Topic: Weekly Events (Jan 19-25)  (Read 918 times)

Offline Flossy

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Weekly Events (Jan 19-25)
« on: January 20, 2004, 03:51:08 PM »
Gents and Ladies  :)

BigMax is host for tomorrow night's snapshot at 2200 Eastern - Operation Goodwood; on Thursday at 1500 Eastern (2000 UK/2100), I will be knocking some of rust off my setup tools and hosting Down and Dirty.  

The Snapshots are walk on events, so everyone is welcome - just turn up, choose a side and play. :)
On Friday at 1600 Eastern, the Euro KOTH takes place, hosted by Gremlin.  A chance for players living in the European timezones, or anyone unable to make the later KOTH, to show off their fighter skills.  :)

Later on Friday, Frame 3 of Warloc's Britain Alone, 1940 continues at 2300 Eastern, with APDrone as SetupCM/Host.

On Saturday, the CAP continues with Frame 41 - Tank Tests -  starting at 1730 Eastern (2230 UK/2330 CET).  This is another walkon event, but squads are also welcome to take part.  Anyone interested in helping with making plans for either side can apply to join their side's private forum.  See Swoop's private forum thread for details how to get involved.  :)

Later on Saturday, at 2100 Eastern (Sunday 0200 UK/0300 CET), BigMax will be hosting this month's KOTH.  Who will be the new King Of The Hill?  ;)

The Sunday SquadOps continue with Frame 2 of Ghostdancer's Invasion Phillipines 1941 at 1500 Eastern (2000 UK/2100 CET), with BlkKnit as Setup CM/Host.  

To register your squad for the Friday and/or Sunday Squad Operations, post a message in the SquadOps Forum for now (while the events website is being relocated) and Ghostdancer will then get in touch to confirm registration and start dates.

Logs of all our events can be found here:

All our events are posted on the  Calendar and I also have my own version on my website:

Keep in touch with all our events by subscribing to the AH Special Events Email List by:
1. Sending an Email to or
2. Going to the web site and registering -
« Last Edit: January 21, 2004, 04:24:59 PM by Flossy »
Flossy {The Few}
Female Flying For Fun