Author Topic: Beta 11 B26  (Read 2280 times)

Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Beta 11 B26
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2004, 02:57:12 PM »
Much the same here - uncommonly strong torque to the left, autopilot can barely handle it, and I didnt think there was a working bombsight at all. I havent tried copying my usual setup file across, which I gather should work, so I looked up the default keys in AHII, and couldnt access the bombsight at all that way.

That was on just the one test flight, mind. Will try again in a bit with my usual setup file copied across.

Btw, something I've noticed on takeoff in several types of planes is that odd stuff seems to happen... like at low speed getting lots of skidding/bounciness which disappears at higher speeds. In the B26, something happens just prior to takeoff which feels for all the world as if I'm in a tail-dragger that has just unstuck the tail wheel... I couldnt see any obvious lifting of the nose, but it felt sa if perhaps the nosewheel had come unstuck without any elevator input.  Not being an RL pilot, I have no idea whether the nosewheel in a trike undercart plane should unstick like that or not, but it's a difference from before, anyway.  (And whichever is the more realistic, I'm happy with it! :-) )


Offline Easyscor

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Beta 11 B26
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2004, 03:03:17 PM »
Hitech acknowledged the calibration problem in a different thread.  We'll need to wait for the next patch.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Beta 11 B26
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2004, 03:28:37 PM »
LOL! That thread being, Easy? :-}

Anyway,  after copying my old settings files across, things went better.  I WAS able to access the bombsight, and so far as I can see, once calibrated the bombsight points backwards at something like the angle that it should be pointing forwards in
order to hit the target. I checked this roughly by dropping bombs at set intervals before the sight thought I ought to...

Rudder and aileron authority definitely greatly impaired. Cant sensibly roll the B26 as is, just a huuuuge barrel-roll that drops it about a mile in altitude.  Whilst I dont; know which is correct for the real B26, I DO know that the Lancaster could just about be barrel-rolled when light, and with great care, and in current AH I can do this. Wouldnt like to try it in AHII if the B26 as is ATM is anything to go by!

Oh, aye, the nosewheel DOES lift off by itself. Who needs autopilot for takeoff with an overpowered twin like that?! 8-}

The artificial horizon shows through the clipboard.  Moving guns around seemed a tad sluggish.

Esme (shocked that some folk don't try ALL the planes in AH very much! ;-) )  ("Life?" What's one o'they?!)

Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Beta 11 B26
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2004, 03:58:36 PM »
nearly forgot - the hangar scene will need tweaking, Hitech - the nose of the B26 obscures the text of one of the loadouts.

Personally, I'd be happier with a clipboard reresentation of the various loadouts for actually selecting them - less fiddly. You could still have the graphics draw a green box around the modelled selected loadout.

Could we also select fuel in 5% increments up to the maximum available at a base, please (this would be easier from the clipboard than from graphics). This would really be a plus from buffers point of view.  Suggest that the graphics indicate (with an orange box around the relevant number of drums, perhaps?) what the maximum percetage available at the base is,  and 25% increments for that is fine, but not being able to fine-tune our fuel loadouts is a hindrance to buffers. Given sufficient control over loadouts, we can "tune" our takeoff weights, and so use performance tables for particular weights (irrespective of mix of fuel and bombs) rather than for particular loadouts.  

Given that AH is supposed to be about "the art and science" of air combat, it really needs to put some of the science back into the buffing side that is currently absent.  That means fine control over loadouts, being able to benefit from doing proper DR & pilotage navigating, and not being crippled defensively by lack of Otto gunnery for those times when player gunners are not available.

As a by the by, it'd be nice, rather than essential, if AH II could at some point raise the level in bombsights again by better simulating both tachometric AND stabilised vector sights, and giving users a choice of one or the other pre- takeoff, where appropriate. You might need to simulate a certain amount of turbulence or something to stop the vector sights from working too accurately, but I'm sure the team is up to it! :-)

Anyway - nice progress so far with AHII!
