There's a lot of talk about this issue in the upcoming election, and I just wanted to see what you guys thought.
Personally, I think that the current tax rates, even the ones that include only the very wealthy, are absurd. The government may have a right to tax earnings generated by wealth, but to install a system where family fortunes and family hierlooms are subject to dissolution merely to 'level the playing field', is, what I consider, a pretty cheap way of cycling the wealth back into the economy.
It's all a matter of perspective, I understand, but, as Americans, we all live with the hopes and possiblities of accumulating wealth, and if not us, then our children. True, it's not the aspiration of some to do so, and it comes to far fewer than desire it, but why should this basic freedom be subject to a law that effectively robs the majority of it from the succeeding generations(up to 80% in some cases)? The fact is, the revenue from this law is a drop in the bucket of our economy. And the concept of 'dissolving dynasties' to give other people a chance is a fallacy--because ultimately, if these 'other people' succeed, you'll be robbing them next under the same pretext. Wealth isn't just accumulated and horded, as some would argue, it can be created as well. There are new industries out there, waiting to be discovered and exploited. There are uninvented inventions. There are unwritten bestsellers. There is a dominant OS that could and should unseat microsoft by virtue of quality. For godsakes, there are untapped goldmines.
Does the government have the right to play Robin Hood?
I'd really like to hear your thoughts.