Author Topic: Toad - you wanted proof? It's live right now  (Read 3380 times)

Offline Blammo

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Toad - you wanted proof? It's live right now
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2004, 09:30:14 AM »
Originally posted by Nakhui
I'm still confused to what we are rebuilding in Iraq...

If Iraq didn't have cell phones before the war... why the heck are we putting a cell phone system in now!

If Iraq didn't have Cable Internet... why the heck is ComCast there now?

If Iraq didnt' have McDonalds, AMC Theaters, KFC, Wal-Mart, and Win-Dixies... why are we "re-building" franchise stores?

Something smells like pork!

I'm not sure what you are saying.  So, we shouldn't help improve Iraq's quality of life and standard of living?  A high quality and standard  that was denied them for decades by Saddam?  We shouldn't be helping to bring the average Iraqi into the 21st century?


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Toad - you wanted proof? It's live right now
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2004, 09:33:15 AM »
Dont want to take credit for writing that last post as I did not.
It was info I stumbled across on the net.
But my take on the whole Iraq deal is even without WMDs we were entirely correct in going in.

Its not like this guy was some kind of sweet old man.

Here is a man who brutally executed mass murder of his own people on a scale that hasnt been seen since Stalin and Hitler.

On that basis ALONE I feel we were right for going in.

What if we had taken the same attitude With Hitler that nay sayers would have had us do.
I.. for one am thankful we had leadership then..and now who ignored the naysayers and did what was right for whatever reason.

Hitler we did something about. Stalin we couldnt.. well we could have in 45 but we didnt. End result there 40 year cold war.

Now Im old enough to remember we had two types of drills in school. the standard fire drill that is still practiced to this day and another cute little drill where we all went down into the schools basement and looking up at a cute little yellow and red sign with the words "Fallout shelter" underneath it.

Its no secret and is pretty much indisputable that Saddam would like to have had and was actively perusing a nuclear capability.
Which given the mentality of the region makes him  a grave threat even if he did not currently possess one it would only be a matter of time before he did.
Were actually supposed to be stupid enough to wait untill he actually had one before we did anything about it?
That wouldn't be just stupid. That would be INSANE.

So then what were we supposed to do? contain him like we did with North Korea? Given the problems we've been having with North Korea over the last few years. Yes I see how well that worked...NOT

Now lets say he got them and didnt use them.
Take into account that his reign wasnt going to last forever Who takes over after Saddam? His Sons? LOL now there is a comforting thought. But even that wasnt a foregone conclusion considering the amount of attempts made on their lives. If not them who? Keep in mind how Saddam himself came into power.
Someone else far worse could seize control in the same way.
Then also take into account the stability of the region and that this is a region that doesn't care about mutually assured destruction. Doesn't bother them in the least so long as they take us with them. Just ask the terrorists of 911 or the suicide bombers if they are worried about "Mutually assured destruction"

This world has become an increasingly smaller place. Now the entire planet is our backyard and that backyard is full of poisonous snakes. some more poisonous and easier to get at then others. Now I dont know about you but in my backyard Im not willing to wait to see if the snake I see is going to bite anyone first before I cut its head off. Im just going to cut its head off. Sure there may be alot of other snakes in my yard too but that is one less snake I have to worry about.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2004, 09:36:28 AM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline Toad

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Toad - you wanted proof? It's live right now
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2004, 12:02:54 PM »
I'll disagree with you Dred.

No one "did anything" about Hitler until he started operating aggressively outside Germany's borders. IE: the invasion of Poland. The reoccupation of the Rhineland, Czechoslovakia, Austria.. no world response.

No one "did anything" about Saddam, despite his internal slaughtering until he occupied Kuwait.

A nation's internal affairs are a nation's internal affairs, no matter how brutal those may be or how callous it may sound to ignore it. That's just the way it is.

We went this time on the assumption that Iraq's WMD posed a threat to US national security. That was the justification given. That is a legitimate justification IF indeed they had WMD that were actually a threat to us. I'll give them a little more time, but there still needs to be proof.
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Toad - you wanted proof? It's live right now
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2004, 12:15:22 PM »
Originally posted by Bodhi
That is a fair request GS, one I will vote for when........  

what a classic BS of typical Ego maniac

small children at age of 8 years think and speak like that in our country