Author Topic: WW2OL is Fun  (Read 3787 times)

Offline Fishu

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WW2OL is Fun
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2004, 12:15:38 PM »
After a longer while went to try WWIIOL.. generally the action is more entertaining and unique than in many other games, but the something which for I stopped playing the game, is the somewhat glaring ally bias from CRS.
Few cases are quite obvious, which for I really can't find any other reasons which would be likely..

and the reason for this is obvious: money.
If allies would be put against the axis with all the pros and cons of a "matching" equiptment, many of them would simply unsubscribe. (huge whine from facing IIIH alone, which is far easier to kill than many of the basic allied tanks and with a cannon which is hardly much better than 2pdr vs. any other axis tank except IIIH)
under the current situation however, allies do have an equiptment advantage of one year to two years.
From reading the news, it also seems to be that way with the future additions.

General reasons floating around seems to be summing up into some sort of "play balance" (a short adjective to describe it...)

After the first RDP round, the other than PzIIIH's are pretty much useless against allied armour, when everything is stuarts crusaders s35 chars..  
Of course IIIF and 38t could kill those, but when talking of that what "effectiveness" in the war means, those are ineffective without a good numbers advantage.... which again is an another big grief for many allies if it happens to be true! :rolleyes:

It's funny though..  if an axis player complains of being unable to kill some axis tanks in a panzer X, allies have tend to reply by saying he should flank them and hit the sweet spots.
When allies were put to same situation against IIIH's, it was quite alot of whining. (and yet alot easier..)

Overall...  all good if I keep out of the tanks, since those are just frustrating if I don't have the hour to spend in a bush to wait for some ally tank to drive by with its side exposed and still have the significant possibility to fail.
Even if its just me saying, I'd say I am a pretty good tanker (with plentiful of experience), but I just don't want to always play with the much higher tactical expectations than the enemies.

So.. infantry, AA-guns, flak36 (I'd use Pak38 much more, if it'd exist), he111, DD and PzIIIH goes fine...

I've also renamed PAK36 to IAK36... aka Infanterie Abwehr Kanone (aka anti-infantry cannon), since it surely isnt an anti-tank cannon with its uber sights and lack of power.
Sometimes good zoom can be a bad thing...  especially when you have a gun which is only effective at close range. (try to find the target when you see only a miniscular part of the terrain near you!)

Offline Makarov9

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« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2004, 12:31:41 PM »
Being an allied tanker I have a totally different view from what you posted. So many times I've been frustrated with putting 10 rounds into a Panzer with no effect and being one-shot killed by the same panzer. Brit armor is paper thin and a pain in the arse to play in. Definetly got to use the speed for flanking shots. French armor, though a little better is still inferior to most German tanks.

Overall though I'm still loving the ground war and especially the armor duels. I think both sides are pretty well balanced and makes for some great battles.

Offline Swager

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« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2004, 01:39:53 PM »
I finally broke down and am in the 2 week trial.

Initially I signed up but never went online and my 2 weeks passed.  I wrote to CR and it took them awhile, but they reset my 2 week trial.  

The game is nerve racking and gets my blood up, like AH used to.  I do like it.

I have logged onto AH for about 1.5 hours this month.   The excitement is just not there anymore.

I'll probably stick with AH due to I am a flying type of guy, but I do like the WWIIOL ground pounding!

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Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2004, 02:36:14 PM »
Bad time to try WW2OL for flying Swager, CRS have practically loaded the Axis plane guns with nerfballs. 20mm is 'bugged', the Panhard is the Panchar again.... hell, you know its bad when hardcore WW2OL squadies start asking me "where do I download Aces High from?".

But like you the AH MA just doesn't entertain me like it used to (HT/Pyro hurry up with ToD). WW2OL -  albeit the crappiest piece of coding known to mankind - is entertaining.

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2004, 02:51:05 PM »
Originally posted by Makarov9
Being an allied tanker I have a totally different view from what you posted. So many times I've been frustrated with putting 10 rounds into a Panzer with no effect and being one-shot killed by the same panzer. Brit armor is paper thin and a pain in the arse to play in. Definetly got to use the speed for flanking shots. French armor, though a little better is still inferior to most German tanks.

Overall though I'm still loving the ground war and especially the armor duels. I think both sides are pretty well balanced and makes for some great battles.

Unfortunately that is my experience only on freak occasions, unless driving PzIIIH.

Anyway, if brit armour would be paper thin, that would make Panzer armour air thin ;)

Matilda is the best armoured thing on the game.

A13 is quite good also, for its speed, cannon and camoflage, which is a threat to any panzer within 1km (excluding IIIH front)
(2pdr begins to be a considerable threat to IIIH begining from 500 meters and from within 200 meters very much so)
It is the fastest tank on- and offroad if Stuart isn't faster.
From what I've used A13, I'd say many allies are underrating it seriously.
At least until PzIIIH armour begins to be a stantard.. but before PzIIIH is introduced and if IIIH comes out of RDP in low numbers, the A13 is much more considerable threat than say Pz38t. (matilda & crusader really makes other than PzIIIH alot weaker, even if theres A13's.. since Matilda & Crusader makes it possible for weaker tanks to advance)

Daimler is probably the best vehicle in the game.. I have few times killed nearly all spawnable tanks from towns all alone, with ease :D
(It's been easier alone when there is no noise from friendly units, only the enemies)

Perhaps one of the funnest units is QF 2pdr, it feels like a real AT-gun - being small, green and at close range definately killing everything, while at medium range only IIIH might survive)

Maybe I should start a career as allied... everytime been funner tanking / AT-gunning.
Although fellow finns probably wouldn't like it ;)

Offline daddog

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« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2004, 03:29:30 PM »
I am actually playing on a 26k connect. Yes I have a 56k modem, but the best I can log on up here in the sticks is 26k.

Having a blast in WWIIOL. Best part about it is most of my squad is too. :)

I've not had to use customer support but it would be nice to know it is there if required.
It's not.
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Offline Dowding

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« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2004, 01:03:17 AM »
My experience of allied tanking (exclusively playing British) is that we have nothing to counter the German panzers. That 2 pounder gun is crap - crap optics and lots of dispersion, encased in egg shell armour make toe to toe engagements largely a waste of time. The Matilda is better, but is available in such low numbers compared to the PzIIIH, as to be irrelevant. I've had some luck in the crusader, but that was only through a very fortunate ambush. It still has the crappy armour of the A13.

The strength of the BEF was in its infantry and AT guns. It's a shame we don't have that option.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2004, 02:35:50 AM »
So the panzers are just dying on their own, roger that. :rolleyes:

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2004, 02:59:05 AM »
I don't see them dying, I see them pushing back the British. When the BEF goes on the offensive, the armour has to face 88s and is engaged long before coming into effective range. The frontal armour on the A13, the most readily available tank, is crap. As soon as the attack is discovered (if we're lucky that will be near the town and not by a random LW plane some distance from it), the Stukas appear and take out our armour with the highly historical 50ft bomb drops. The Matilda stands no chance against the mighty stuka. So typically we are on the defensive, and only if we have numerical advantage and plenty of AT guns can we hope to stem the tide. The 88mm has an invisible shield in front of it, made out of 100mm titanium. I was point blank next to one shooting everything my little Crusader could fire at the crew and everything else, and it simply rotated, fired and destroyed me. It turns out that the crew are only vulnerable if you shoot their feet! Wonderful modelling wouldn't you say?

I wouldn't mind so much if the Stuka was also modelled accurately - i.e. automatic dive system with 3000ft pull out. Right now, the LW is practically armed with LGBs.
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Offline Sixpence

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« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2004, 05:01:42 AM »
Dowding: "the Stukas appear and take out our armour with the highly historical 50ft bomb drops. "
If they make it by the 15 spits and hurcs.
Dowding: "The 88mm has an invisible shield in front of it, made out of 100mm titanium. I was point blank next to one shooting everything my little Crusader could fire at the crew and everything else, and it simply rotated, fired and destroyed me."
Well, I can tell you from experience that an allied tank(even an armoured car)can cap an FB from a good distance. They may be shooting at my feet, but they are killing me fairly easy. Enemy infantry take me out,lol, enemy sappers love finding an 88! I'll give you this, the 88 is the best DEFENSIVE tank killer(aside from allied bombers)in the game. But once you are discovered, it's only a matter of time before a Havoc or a Blen takes you down. I managed to kill 2 a15's and a vickers once, but a Havoc got me. He knew right where I was, first pass(obviously infantry spotting me). Even if a bofors is with you the bomber always gets off that first salvo(and usually two or three more). Under 5k the allies rule the sky, so the 88's are not a problem. The bofors, on the other hand, are more problematic. I have ruined many an allied plane day in a bofors(and had my 110 taken down with one hit).
Dowding: "The frontal armour on the A13, the most readily available tank, is crap."
Yes, but my P4(only had one a few times because it is rarely available) has been taken out by an a13, so it can do the job. What the allies don't do is crew their tanks to take advantage of the Christie suspension system. It gives them a steady firing platform on the move. Having a crew in a tank is good, but in the a13 and a15, it's better. And it keeps you from getting sapped.

Have you tried the naval part of the game yet? Was involved in an amphibious assault on Veere. About 20 of us boarded a destroyer from another port, we arrived at Veere to see three friendly destroyers suppressing enmy infantry(no tanks or equipment away from mainland). As he dropped us off along the shoreline, all four destroyers opened up their big guns for cover. It was awesome!! The ground was shaking, I can only imagine what it was like for the enemy infantry taking cover in the spawn building. We all made it to the buildings and got a couple of cp's, but enmy infantry managed to get out the back of the spawn building and fend us off. The battle was a good 45 minutes, and alot of fun.
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2004, 05:34:37 AM »
Obviously, I can only go on what I have seen with my own eyes. The 88mm was untouched by the MG and shell fire, and then it killed me. Things like that stop WW2OL becoming a great game.

Firing on the move? Have you tried it in the A13 with the two pounder? It's bad enough stationary but with the sight wheeling about at it's practically impossible. The Christie suspension system doesn't seem to help much at all.

The naval aspect is something I haven't tried yet. By most accounts the DDs are porked and there is a big issue with DDs popping in and out of vision. It does look cool though. It's a shame they can't spend a little more time on that aspect.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Staga

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« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2004, 07:30:37 AM »
Dowding cut the crap and play a german tanker for a day or two.

Offline Sarge

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WW2OL is Fun
« Reply #42 on: September 05, 2004, 09:13:33 AM »
well it is sep now seen many posts here from FEB, how many are playing on ww2 online.  there are a few of us from the 332mongrels playing sat nights, I enjoy it since it is only a game and and so is AH if you just like to furball every sorties this is fine. i like the overall play (land sea and air) . i can chose what i want, Finding action isnt really that hard as some are saying. if y0u have a few guys to attack a depot. in time you will have more action that you can handle. taking a fire base can be fun too once the enemy knows what you are doing finding action is easy. Do wish chat system was like ah but with team speak you can survive in Squad action.

there is another free promo on now for anyone that would like to try it that hasnt done so for a while. It has been getting better since i first bought game when it came out. the trees and water are far better then AH. and alot more is comming out soon in the next patach. like blowing up bridges and repairing them,

I stick with AH right now cause i am in a fantastic sqd with alot of fun guys (go 332 Flying Mongrels) but did tire of upping getting shot down ( and yes i had kills too, in case i see the learn to fly guys posting)or rtbing then repeat over and over and over. Squad nights are great and CAP was great, MA CT are about the same fuballs but CT is on a smaller scale of furballing, jan will be 3 yrs in 332, also the 332 Vikings i fly with during cap are a fun groop to fly with.. When i had the time i used to fly with them on thier Sqd nights on sundays. other than that is is only a game and AH needs just as many improvements as any other game, so all games are equal to bugs and improvements. it is the PC world and it is all buggy one way or another.  furballers will never like gvs and the up anything kind of player dont like furballing all the time so it is to each his own in gaming. flaming posts cause you dont agree isnt that great either

Offline Meatwad

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« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2004, 09:24:54 AM »
Been playing WW2OL since end of August. I like it a lot, more variety then AH. Only logged into AH once since then, and that was only for a few minutes.
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Offline Ripsnort

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WW2OL is Fun
« Reply #44 on: September 05, 2004, 09:27:27 AM »
Originally posted by Meatwad
Been playing WW2OL since end of August. I like it a lot, more variety then AH. Only logged into AH once since then, and that was only for a few minutes.

Well now, then thats a fair analysis, isn't it? You logged in for a few minutes, therefore WW2OL MUST be more fun!
