Author Topic: Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?  (Read 3791 times)

Offline -dead-

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2004, 04:24:46 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
Miko - unfortunately I don't read Arabic, and if you're going to argue the English translation is edited for PCness or something, I like you to name one religious text that hasn't.
He's probably going to argue - and most muslims will, IIRC, back him up on this - that if it isn't in Arabic it isn't the Qu'ran.
“The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.” --  Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, June 5, 2006.

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2004, 04:39:59 AM »
OK. Well, then I started reading a very long book about a series of events that closely mirror the events described in a religious text associated with a major religion founded in the Middle East whose spiritual centre of gravity is inextricably linked with a charming ancient city containing a lump of meteorite which is the destination of an important pilgrimage.

Insert rolleyes thing
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline -dead-

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2004, 06:08:23 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
OK. Well, then I started reading a very long book about a series of events that closely mirror the events described in a religious text associated with a major religion founded in the Middle East whose spiritual centre of gravity is inextricably linked with a charming ancient city containing a lump of meteorite which is the destination of an important pilgrimage.

Insert rolleyes thing
“The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.” --  Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, June 5, 2006.

Offline miko2d

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2004, 09:09:08 AM »
Eagler: and where are the pirates today? the same place terrorists will be in the future - erased from mainstream

 Pirates were never "mainstream", except in adventure books.

 Pirates are still there - in some areas.

 Goods are cheap no manufacture now unlike in old times. The majority of the price of the goods is distribution and retail - which would cost a pirate even more than usual. So stealing goods in bulk is out. Nobody transports chests of gold anymore for compact portable treasure.

 Piracy is just not cost-effective on a large scale.

Frogm4n: least the Germans and Japanese on average were far more educated and were not religious fanatics.

 Many palestinians are well eduated. Many of the 9/11 hijackers were well educated - western educated and thoroughly familiar with western way of life. The terrorism is not caused by ignorance and failure to understand that means a huge mistake in knowing your enemy.

Miko, the inferiority complex i talk about is different then you think it is.

 You raise an interesting topic that deserves examination - maybe even as a separate thread. I believe you are mistaken about their feeling of inferiority, unless you drastically redefine that term. Here it goes.

They believe that they are the chosen people, and that God has granted them the best way of living and that everything they do is far superior to the infidals.

 People always feel their culture is superior - otherwise they would not be practicing it and switch to another one. Everybody does that, including westerners. Some westerners actually profess hate for western culture and denigrade it, but that is also part of their culture - feling superior over the culture of the "unwashed masses".
 Western people are willing to believe their (socialist) culture is superior in view of incontrovertible evidence of decay and corruption of morals and social institutions (family, marriage, parenthood) and self-inflicted extinction that culture imparts on those afflicted. They are blind to it but the arabs see that.

So when secular states have superior economics

 You mean consumption? It's one of major hyppoctritical tents of even our civilisation that materialism is bad and consumerism is bad and spiritual, moral and educational aspects are much more important than flashy gadgets. Most western people beieve that "free markets do not work" and are root fo all evils - even though it's solely to the free markets that west - and humanity - owes the progress of the last 300 years. That is being dismantled even as we speak.
 Arabs have children who love and respect their parents while westerners have neutered dogs and gadgets. If "economics" says that western way is "superior", it just shows how twisted and false mainstream western economics is.

 Did you include superior military might in superior economics? Most would, so I will address it here.
 One might readily acknowlege someone's superior strength while beliving himself superior in terms of civilisation.
 An underclass bum can beat up a nobel laureate, a desease can kill the best of us, a barbarian invasion can overwhelm a civilisation. That does not mean that undeclass, desease-causing germs and barbarians are superior.


 :D :D :D  Oh, you were serious? :( :( :(
 You think arabs and muslims want their daughters behave like Britney Spears or janet Jackson? Want they daughers to be valued for appearance like cattle?
 Want their sons abandon God and traditions in pursuit of matirial wealth? Just tell me, what superior qualities do they see in our culture? It's spreadabilirty due to pandering to the lowest instincts?

...and freedoms...

 There are plenty of freedoms that they enjoy that we do not. there are also freedoms that they do not have - and many of them are fine with it.
 But most westerners are also fine with losing many freedoms to the government - they do not mind curtailment of their rights at all.
  The westerner may have more freedom to speak nonsense to strangers or show boobs on TV  but they have no freedom to raise their children they way they see fit - the government mandates strict guidelines and can take children away on a whim.

it kind of speaks against what they believe. And therefor is satans doing.

 It does nothing of a sort. They believe we are corrupt and headed towards the inevitable downfall. They are fighting against being contaminated, corrupted and subjected to the same fate.

Dowding: Miko - unfortunately I don't read Arabic, and if you're going to argue the English translation...

 Nothing of that kind - no implied meaning in my question. I was only looking for a study-buddy. My arabic is way too lousy to dare communicating with a native speaker at this point.


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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2004, 09:49:32 AM »
I was not talking about america miko.

Offline miko2d

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2004, 10:40:51 AM »
Frogm4n: I was not talking about america miko.

 Me neither. I was talking about the western and westernised world in general. America is doing pretty well compared to the rest - our native population reproduces below replacement but way better than most europeans and we are more tolerant of cultures and religions, unlike french.

 Whom did you mean by "secular states" that have "superior economics culture and freedoms".


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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2004, 10:47:31 AM »
yea western in general. and i salute the french for not allowing religious symbols in school.

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2004, 10:54:53 AM »
Originally posted by Frogm4n
I question if the people in the middle east are even ready for a fair and equal country.

Many slave owners said something very similar thus justifying their ownership.
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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2004, 11:00:35 AM »
not really akiron. Is there even 1 muslim country that is a democracy?

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2004, 11:05:23 AM »
There will be two soon. Will Islam fight it tooth and nail? Most likely.
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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2004, 11:12:00 AM »
two? You think palestine will end up not being a theocracy?

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2004, 11:14:10 AM »
Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2004, 11:27:59 AM »
The Islamic terrorist are just like the pirates of the 1700's.  Many nations, including France, pay them tribute through money, goods, or services.  Much like the protection racket.

Their culture has been in decline since the middle ages.  They are pissed and need an external enemy to blame it on.  Their culture is capable of great things.  Heck, they gave us algebra (thanks alot ):(

They obviously have not read Yamamoto's text on the perils of  awakening the sleeping giant.

They have no comprehension of the force we can bring to table.  Nor do they understand the resolve with which we will do it.  They think they can stalemate us, given their success with the bogus Palestine situation.

If I had been President, I would have authorized the use of nukes in the anaconda valley.
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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2004, 11:30:15 AM »
they have a king in afghanistan, and the local warlords are already reinacting the old burca laws.

Dont get me wrong, i really hope democracy works out over there, but it looks more and more like the fake democracy we tried to get going in vietnam.
Untill they realize that religion should not be mixed with a system of government; i doubt that any former theocracy will work out.

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Iraq, the beggining of the end of islamic terror?
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2004, 11:36:38 AM »
Originally posted by Frogm4n
they have a king in afghanistan, and the local warlords are already reinacting the old burca laws.

Dont get me wrong, i really hope democracy works out over there, but it looks more and more like the fake democracy we tried to get going in vietnam.
Untill they realize that religion should not be mixed with a system of government; i doubt that any former theocracy will work out.

Well said.  I agree with you.  Except PADI is better :)
Secundum mihi , urbanus resurrectio