Author Topic: What's the one WWII era plane...  (Read 21138 times)

Offline Toad

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #90 on: May 07, 2000, 03:54:00 PM »
F8F Bearcat

Toad of the
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Offline Sparks

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #91 on: May 07, 2000, 05:45:00 PM »
For me it has to be the Hornet or attack Mosquito.
Or - the Short Sunderland if we can have some water pls - imagine taking off and landing one of those beauties .... mmmmmmm..

The Beaufighter is another one I can live with

Offline SIFTER

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #92 on: May 07, 2000, 05:55:00 PM »
I'd like to see:
Ta 152H/Tempest- they dueled a few times.

V1's for every country. Be fun to have launch areas to attack and be able to chase them down. From on high.
Ho 229/Vampire/Me262/P-80/ME 163/263/He162 Future arena maybe?
KI-67 Peggy/He-177/B-29
If I could pick only one?  TA 152H/or C


Offline --my--

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #93 on: May 08, 2000, 02:38:00 AM »
Brewster B-239 (ie. F2A-1)



Offline Saintaw

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #94 on: May 08, 2000, 03:39:00 AM »
FW190 -D9 !

JG2 "Richthofen"
Don't shoot ! I am only an observer......

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 05-08-2000).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.


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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #95 on: May 08, 2000, 04:53:00 AM »
Personally I'd
like to add old and early ww2

Fiat CR42 Falco
Gloster Gladiator
Brewster Buffalo
Macchi MC.200
Savoia Marchetti SM79
and some early jap bombers
like the Val or Kate,
or the german do17 or ju87.


4^ Stormo Caccia
"F. Baracca"

Offline Jochen

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #96 on: May 08, 2000, 06:45:00 AM »
Me 410 sounds fun plane!

- Cocpit is completely different than anything else we have seen this far

- Decent bomb load, 10 X 50 kg or 2 X 250 kg or 2 X 500 kg or even 2 X 1000 kg! Rocket tubes were also fitted inside the bomb bay. see picture below.

- Decent guns, 2 X 20 mm + 2 X 7,9 mm + 2 X remote controlled rear firing 13 mm. Ground attack version had 2 X 20 mm MG 151/20 and 2 X 30 mm Mk 103! Of course it had modification for high velocity 50 mm PaK, which would be ultimate tank killer!  

- Performance not too shabby.

If HTC want's to model this rare plane, I'm all for it! It would give us fast 2 engined bomber killer and ground attack fighter and some ground kill capacity for "Lufwaffe only" players. It would be quite challenging to fly in air to air role but in groundwork it might be a very nice plane.



Geschwaderkommodore (on leave) Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen' (Warbirds)

Jagdflieger JG 2 'Richthofen' (Aces High)

Thanks for the Fw 190A-5 HTC!

Ladysmith wants you forthwith to come to her relief
Burn your briefs you leave for France tonight
Carefully cut the straps of the booby-traps and set the captives free
But don't shoot 'til you see her big blue eyes

[This message has been edited by Jochen (edited 05-08-2000).]
jochen Gefechtsverband Kowalewski

Units: I. and II./KG 51, II. and III./KG 76, NSGr 1, NSGr 2, NSGr 20.
Planes: Do 17Z, Ju 87D, Ju 88A, He 111H, Ar 234A, Me 410A, Me 262A, Fw 190A, Fw 190F, Fw 190G.

Sieg oder bolsevismus!

Offline pzvg

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #97 on: May 08, 2000, 08:40:00 AM »
Awshaddup ya wusses  
PZL-11c a real man's plane   (Dora dweebs need not apply)
:ground component, hell, with my sig?
Panther G, what else?

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"

Hat Trick

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #98 on: May 08, 2000, 08:57:00 AM »

Sea planes

F4F  Wildcat   1
F7F Tigercat   6   
F8F Bearcat   4
F6F Hellcat   2
F5F Duck   2
TBV Devastator   1
SDB Dauntless   1
Avenger      1
D3A Val      1
B-5N   Kate   1

Flying Boats

PBY Catalina   1
H6K Mavis       1
H8K             1

Fighters / Ground Attack:

A-36 Mustang   1
Mig 3/5/7   1
P-40 Tigershark (and Variants) 4   
P-47 Thunderbolt4
P-41 Warhawk   1
P-63 Kingcobra   2
TA-152 (190Variant)   2
Hurricne I&II   1
Hawker Tempest    1
P39 Airacobra   1
J7W1   (Japan)   1 (Push Pull Thingy)
*DO 335 Pfeil   4 (Push Pull Prop Config)
Ki-45 Toryu "Knick"   1
J2M3 Raiden   1
Ki-46 Dinah   1 (Recon and Night Fighter)
Ki-44Shoki "Tojo"   2
D-520 (french)   1
Fairey Firefly 1-7 U.8-10 1
HE-112          1
IL-2 Stumovick  4

Two Eng Fighters

Me-410/210 Hornisse     1   
*F-82 Twin Mustang   1
*Westland Whirlwind   1
B156 Beaufighter   6
DH 98 Mossie           1
P-61 Black Widow   4
DH-103 Sea Hornet       1
FW-187 Falke            1


Me-323   Gladiator   1
C-54 Globemaster   1
Storch German Spooter   1


B-29 Super Fortress   5
B-24 Liberatior           1
A-26  Invader           3
A/B 26-C Marauder   1
He-111              1
Ju-88              1
B-25H /J Mitchell   2
KI-67 Peggy           1
He-177 Greif           2
He-219   Uhu           1
AVRO 683 Lancater   1
TU-2 (Russian)           1
AR-234 Blitz (Jet)      1


*Ba349 Natter   1 (33 55mm Rockets in nose and 2X30MM cannons)
Me-262      2
Me-263      1      
Ho 229      1
DH Vampire   1
P-80      1
ME 163 Komet   2
He162 Salamander1
G41 Meteor   1

Suicide Rides

MXY-7 Ohka /Baka   1 (Cherry Blossom / Fool)

Early War Specials (Mostly Bi-Planes)

*I-15 and 153           1
I-16                    1
Fiat CR42 Falco           1
Gloster Gladiator   1
Brewster F2A Buffalo   7
Macchi MC.200           1
Savoia Marchetti SM79 Saetta   1
Wellington      1
Swordfish      1
P-11 (Pzl 11)           2
*Arado Ar68           1
*He-51              1
*Hs-123              1

Unknowns I couldnt find  info on....

CA-2              1
CA-12 Boomerrang Maybee from Australia (Alot like Buffalo)

PV2 Harpoon      1
Sounds familiar but can find it

Mistel              1
I have no idea

Il-6              1
Russian Ground Attack ???

Il-10              1
Russian Ground Attack ???

IAR 80/81      1
Beats me

A-20              2
American Bomber ???

A-36              2
American Bomber ???

B19   Douglas ?       2
American Bomber ???

B239              2
American Bomber ???

MB-5 Martin Baker       1
Cant Find it But I heard its nice looking    

GO-229                  1
Dont Know..Bomber maybee

Ki-100                  1
Ki-102 "Randy" Maybee ?

DO-335   Jet ?          2
I Havent a clue

A7M                     1
I think its a suped up zeke...but not in any of my books

DO-217               1
I dunno

Ki-83                1
Twin Engine Fighter ????

HE-119               1
Fast Bomber ????

HE-274               1
German Bomber ???

HE-277               1
German Bomber ???

* Denotes my Votes

Hat Trick
War Birds Beta Tester
Confirmed Kill Beta Tester
Air Warrior one month and hated it!
Aces Hi

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[This message has been edited by Hat Trick (edited 05-08-2000).]

Hat Trick

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #99 on: May 08, 2000, 09:02:00 AM »

F7F Tiger Cat
B156 Beaufighter

These are tied for first with 6 votes each.

But a TON! of kewl planes here.  Was fun looking them all up.


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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #100 on: May 08, 2000, 09:11:00 AM »

Offline Pongo

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #101 on: May 08, 2000, 09:18:00 AM »
The MB5 must have stealth features It has been overlooked in both summary lists.

1943-44-45 british prototype. Was ignored by britian as it would have womped any spitfire and humiliated any non jet hawker product...
The brits might have put up with it outperforming their favorite supermarine product with ease, but they could not stomach the fact that the best looking prop fighter in history title would have been passed to the new kid..
An AC that would have ended the spitfire range controversy and the Typhoon handling controvery in one fell swoop was ignored by the RAF. I never understood why till I flew the spit IX in AH.

Hat Trick

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #102 on: May 08, 2000, 09:46:00 AM »
heheh I cant count.

Brewster Buffalo Leads with 8
The other two are tied for 2nd

And my list does contain the MB-2

Offline Karnak

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #103 on: May 08, 2000, 10:13:00 AM »
I count 2 or 3 J7W1 Shinden's, and its a pusher, not a push-pull thing.

A7M Reppu was not a souped up Zero any more than the P-51 was a souped up P-40.  I was an entirely new aircraft.  Mitsubishi could have delivered the A7M in late '43 or early '44 if the IJN had followed Mitsubishi's advice and let them use the 2000+ horsepower Mitsubishi engine to begin with.  Instead they ordered them to use a less powerful engine from another company.  When that didn't deliver the expected performance, the IJN orded them to redesign it with the Mitsubishi engine.  By the time that version was done, tested and in production, there were only two months left and Japan was being bombed heavily.  After only a few production A7Ms USAAF B-29s flattened the A7M factory.  We didn't know that it was producing a fighter, that our own post war testing showed to be superior to the P-51 in all respects, until after the war.  We just knew that it was a Japanese factory.

One thing, why are people suggesting standard aircraft?  This thread was to request non-standard, not seen in sims aircraft.  I see people suggesting the P-47D, Fw190D-9, F6F Hellcat, Kate, Val, Me-262, B-25, Lancaster (They are doing this one, why request it here?), He-111, Ju-88, B-24, J2M3 Raiden, Hurricane, Tempest, P-40, F4F Wildcat, Dauntless, Devastator, Avenger and Mosquito.  While these are all great aircraft beyond any doubt, they are all standards of the industry and should not be included in this thread.  All of these should be ignore when the votes are tallied.

Please stop using this thread to request your standard, desired aircraft.


[This message has been edited by Karnak (edited 05-08-2000).]
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Pongo

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What's the one WWII era plane...
« Reply #104 on: May 08, 2000, 10:26:00 AM »
You just edited it to try to make me look bad...Wont work!