This is from My AAR
.........The rest of us stayed high and turned to the SE after getting a boggie call from Beans, He must have the best Graphics card because he always seems to find the bandits first, We engaged the 109s but I didn't manage to come up with any shots on that engagement. Tracer and I got separated in that battle. And I was not witness to his attempt to save the life of a German pilot buy flying in front of a pursuing P40 as it went to guns on the 109. Tracer lost his right wing in the attempt, and wound up flying the rest of the mission as my co-pilot. From what I can gather about the incident, Tracer has a long lost 4th brother that Had been living in Germany and was caught up in the "Nazi cause" and became a 109 pilot. Tracer has tried many times to persuade his younger brother to come over to "the good side of the force" but to no avail. Tracer knowing the tail insignia of his 109, could not let his brother die with out giving him another chance to change his mind. I hear that Tracer has talked to his youngest 4th Brother and he will be defecting to the Allies on his next mission. Given the results of his actions I hope no ill feelings will be held against Tracer, he saved his Brothers life, and who among us would not do the same?