Well, I had to sit back and think about it.
Cessna 180J:
When I increase the throttle, volume increases when rpm increases as well as sound tone changes resulting from the prop pitch changes. After rotation, MP is reduced by the throttle thus changing the tone and volume slightly Volume should remain the same since rpm stays about same. Then the prop speed (rpm) (power) is reduced using the prop lever (knob) thus changing tone and volume.
I think what is missing in beta is the slight change in tone when increasing/decreasing MP. An abrupt change on the MP will cause the props to over rev allowing for a more dramatic change in "noses". Can anyone explain it better?
IN beta I will depart, adjust for climb power, cruise etc. Apon landing, the "props" "rpm" has a much greater affect on performance than our small airplanes. Applying full power or power off has extreamly little affect on the rpms.
However, The "bug" I did find was on downwind leg for landing. There I made my "before landing check" and later discovered that when I increased rpm (back to full-in), the thottle then will not reduce "power" "rpm" when the throttle is fully closed. Thus causeing me to approach to fast, go around and find the problem.