Author Topic: Why is it? World  (Read 1257 times)

Offline Wlfgng

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Why is it? World
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2004, 03:34:46 PM »
everyone always trys to get at #1

enjoy the attention ;)

Offline slimm50

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Why is it? World
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2004, 03:49:12 PM »
Well, you certainly generated a lot of discussion.

Offline Vulcan

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Re: Why is it? World
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2004, 03:52:08 PM »
Originally posted by Scootter
Why is so much energy spent on trying to understand the USA and also trying to change us?

It seems to me that 80 percent of the posts here have to do with what’s wrong with the USA and how we are such dim failures to the rest of the world. I read post after post from other countries and most deal with what’s wrong here, not ever about what is wrong in say Germany or Russia or even Denmark, why is that, are these countries so perfect or not worth talking about?

You seem to have a bleak understanding of statistics and posts.

That "80% of the posts" is posted primarily by Americans *****ing about Bush, Kelly, NASA, NRA, whoever-opposes-the-NRA, left wing this, right wing that. 20% of that "80% of posts are posted by non-Americans, which stastically represents the mix of the player base.

Americans also have some sort of Springer-ish fascination with being the centre of attention (as we see in your post).

Offline Thrawn

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Why is it? World
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2004, 04:40:09 PM »
I'm always surprised by some American's need to believe that people in other coutnries envy them.  Is it necessary for some king of internal validation?

Offline Scootter

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Re: Re: Why is it? World
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2004, 05:06:28 PM »
Originally posted by Vulcan
You seem to have a bleak understanding of statistics and posts.

That "80% of the posts" is posted primarily by Americans *****ing about Bush, Kelly, NASA, NRA, whoever-opposes-the-NRA, left wing this, right wing that. 20% of that "80% of posts are posted by non-Americans, which stastically represents the mix of the player base.

Americans also have some sort of Springer-ish fascination with being the centre of attention (as we see in your post).

Please read my 2nd post on page one, I agree 80% was to high and changed it to 30%, I also stated that "it seems to me" so it is a bit subjective. I do feel many posts start with an entirely different line and then somehow morph into lets all bash the US.

I really only care as to the reasons why and have asked for things people would change about the US if they could. The reason for this request is more about personal enlightenment and I would ask this if I was sitting with you having a drink.

I enjoy the give and take we have here as a community and yes learn from each of you (L.D.V. excepted as I have him blocked ;) )

Thanks for your comments, and I do not have a bleak outlook and am really quite an optimist. "Good things happen, bad things happen, and in an eyeblink we each are gone, while we are here live life, love life"

Have a good and safe weekend,  everyone (even LDV). :)

Offline ravells

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Why is it? World
« Reply #50 on: February 27, 2004, 05:58:53 PM »
Good post Scooter.

Americans are important to me. If you guys sneeze the rest of the world catches a cold (as someone very famous once said).  You are now the most effective conventional military power in the world which can effect any meaningful change, and you are a powerhouse of industry and invention. So yes, that is an interest Oh...and you speak English.

I find it interesting to read the posts about America..what's wrong or right with it as it give me a good idea of what people 'on the ground' think about 'over there'.

It has to be said, that most of the Americans on this board do lean very heavily to the right. There are other places I go to where they lean more to the left. It's a big country and you have big fringes as a result. I do think it's a bit silly that people here think that they are 'the voice of America'. They are only one voice in a vast clamour. There are many Americans who have very much the same opinions as Europeans do about America. It's just that many of them are not on this board.

I don't really think that anything that is said on these BBS's is going to have a vast effect on what anyone believes, but it does open new avenues of thought which may lead to that.

Some Americans here are able to talk about only one issue (e.g. gun laws) and eloquently at that, although they may not be so relevant in Europe, it's fun to jump in and cross swords in an informed debate.

Speaking of political scandals...have you heard the news there about the lady (A Ms. Gunn) who worked for GCHQ and spilled the beans about the Americans asking the Brits to spy on the UN? The authoties here decided not to press charges...many think because of all sorts of embarassing revelations that might come up about the legality of the Iraq war.

But when it comes down to it...if I were to post, say something of topical interest here...a guy who had been pushed in front of an underground train, or the current debate about MMR jabs for children, I just don't think that US posters would have any interest and would bother to respond.

As for envy? No. Not with me at least. The people who make the envy argument are just being arrogant.
