Author Topic: Firearms Refresher course  (Read 2535 times)

Offline Leslie

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Firearms Refresher course
« Reply #105 on: March 01, 2004, 12:50:58 AM »
"To do a poll in the fashion Leslie is suggesting would involve visiting every country in the world - LOL!"

I didn't say that exactly, but I can understand how I may have given that impression.  

Polling is a science.  That was impressed on me in freshman English class at Auburn.  My first essay involved me taking a poll as a class assignment option.  The instructor was very adament about the method used, and I guess that's why I feel that way.  But she was right, and although I have rudimentary knowledge about grammar (Spanish degree) and one graduate level transformational grammar course under my belt, all I know is linguistics is very complex, but darn interesting.

Hehe, I racked my brain trying to find linguistic proof (on the net) your simple question was actually four questions imo, though I can't prove it.    So maybe it did me some hurts to think...LOL.  What I discovered is that questions are some of the most complex sentence structures of all.  Even the experts have a hard time analyzing questions.  The rules are fascinating...every sentence is broken down to its separate parts and analyzed, it's almost mathematical in its precision, and there are many varients of sentence meaning depending on where the words are placed.  That is uncanny to me.

So, I can't make a argument with you based on that.  If I could I would.:D

Carry on Beet1e.  I disagree with you most of the time.  I disagree this time, but I'm not bent out of shape too much, considering it's you.  

I enjoy reading your posts, but not the ones about refering to my countrymen as idiots and nuts, especially when I agree with them.

:D :D :D


Offline beet1e

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« Reply #106 on: March 01, 2004, 04:24:10 AM »
Hehe! Hello Leslie. :) Don't become a semantics banana like Lazs. If you would look at the answers people gave, at least a dozen gave a simple YES or NO. Seems that THEY realised it was a single question even if a scenario with four criteria was described within that question.

As for NUKE, your still an idiot, but I sort of like you. ;)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #107 on: March 01, 2004, 08:31:03 AM »
beetle said that that the poll had nothing to do with U.S.  and then in his eagerness to fill his agenda he concludes this.... "Say what you like about relative crime rates, and of guns "reducing crime". The fact is that of those sampled in countries outside the US, the vast majority do not want to see a US-style firearms proliferation in the country where they live.

from his flawed and slanted poll.   If the U.S. was not the target then why the bizzare conclussion...And... If it was.... why mischaracterize the U.S. laws on firearms...

Oh wait... I guess it would have to slant things enough to get the desired results.

If all those eurors got one question out of that "poll" and are on the same page as beetle then it is a strange place over there indeed...more than simple language gap.


Offline beet1e

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Firearms Refresher course
« Reply #108 on: March 01, 2004, 08:51:01 AM »
Lazs! Cheer up, matey! Today sees in the new month, and Kalifornia will permit you to buy one more Makarov. :D