Author Topic: Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0  (Read 341 times)

Offline flakbait

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« on: May 26, 2001, 07:26:00 AM »
Bored with the default sounds? Sick of listening to Fatty's mom belching as you fire those Holy Hispanos? I thought so. Here is The Ultimate Sound Pack, v 2.0 in all its glory. One thing to note is that you do NOT have to back-up any sounds if you don't WANT to. Here's the skinny; a friend closed down a site, leaving a huge chunk of bandwidth just sitting there. Since it's not being used for the rest of the month I got it. There are NO download limits, nor is there a limit on file size. Ultimate1.exe is 14.5 megs, Ultimate2.exe is 10.6 megs, and the patch is about a meg and a half.

As I spelled out in the read-me, this pack contains every sound I've got and every sound AH needs to run properly. This will save you from getting into real trouble if you accidently delete any stock sounds. Since this pack contains every sound AH needs all you need to do is make a back-up copy of your sounds directory. Provided, that is, you
want to keep any sounds that are there. If not? Fire up the exe and let her rip!

I've fixed a number of things this time around, including...

Hispnao gun volume
Type 99 bass and volume
Several engine sounds
Several engine start sounds
P-38 .50 cals
B-26 .50 cals

Updates? Got those too...

P-47 D11: full sound set
Il-2 Type 3: partial sound set
Ki-61-I-KAIc: partial sound set
LVT(2): replaced gun sounds
LVT(4): new 75mm gun sound

Two notes: on the LVT(4), if you break any windows or piss off the Little Lady it ain't my fault. I cranked the gun volume, bass and treble levels as high as I could get them without causing damage to my speakers. I'm not kidding, this sucker is louder than anything else out of 372 sounds! The next loudest sound? Il-2's engine.

The Il-2 and Ki-61 don't have full sound sets. Meaning there's no new flaps or touchdown sounds for either plane. You can copy-paste the sounds you want in from other aircraft, since I don't have any new ones around. On a similar note, I ran out of engine starts and runs with this pack. Just to warn you I know there's a glitch in the Il-2 engine sound but I haven't been able to fix it. It's nothing horrible, just a slight hiccup every now and then.

Which brings me to the legal stuff.

The originator of The Ultimate Sound Pack v2.0 can not be held liable if the following occurs:

1) Broken windows due to volume and or bass levels
2) Annoyed family members
3) Tone deafness
4) Dreams about flying/driving in WW2
5) Being evicted from your residence due to neighbor complaints
6) Dog crap on your driveway from the neighborhood complaint comitee
7) Shotgun-visits from the local police due to a "shots fired" call
8) Screaming from your true love because "That damn war movie is too
freakin loud!"

Now that I've gotten the lawerese out of the way, enjoy! And be SURE to go through the readme file so you don't accidently install them in Paint Shop Pro's "filters" folder!  

Read-Me and Download Links

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb


[This message has been edited by flakbait (edited 05-26-2001).]

Offline Kweassa

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2001, 07:35:00 AM »
 Wow.. as always..

 A W E S O M E  !!

 Thx for all your efforts to make AH a better game flakbait!

 Two Thumbs Up!


Offline DRILL

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2001, 07:27:00 PM »
     iv got your first sound pack do i have to dl all of this one to to get em for the new planes and veh s ???

Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline flakbait

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2001, 09:17:00 PM »
Nope. Scroll down to the download links and you'll see the patch. Just download that and let it update the sounds to 2.0 standards. It's only a meg and a half to boot.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb


Offline DRILL

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2001, 04:21:00 PM »

Drill /384th FA/CH 364th

Offline Geeb

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2001, 07:31:00 PM »
Great sounds <S>

Offline Vulcan

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2001, 07:49:00 PM »
Great for work... got the tiffie sound on permanent loop in media-player.

But the guy in the office next door keeps looking at me funny? Must be a Niki dweeb  

Offline flakbait

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Ultimate Sound Pack: v 2.0
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2001, 10:02:00 PM »
The download server is up and running, and my site hasn't gone down that I know of. It might have been a glitch somewhere on the Net or with the host. It's fixed now, at least on my end. On Thursday I'll pull the full download files and move the patch to a different server. I have to do this since the site I've got them on now is going down on Friday. If you encounter any problems let me know and I'll try finding the problem.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"With all due respect Chaplian, I don't think God wants to hear from me right now.
I'm gonna go out there and remove one of His creations from this universe.
And when I get back I'm gonna drink a bottle of Scotch like it was Chiggy von
Richthofen's blood and celebrate his death."
Col. McQueen, Space: Above and Beyond