Originally posted by kj714
this goes back a ways but..
Here's the math I care about:
$14.95/60 hours a month = $.25 an hour to play the best video game I think I've ever played from the comfort of my own home.
Best post yet! I can do ya even better. I play on average 4 +hours minimum a day EVERY day. Also translates into literally pennies per day. Hell I probably loose more in pocket change in my couch per month then I pay to play this game. (My kids can probably testify to that)
I sure as hell cant complain about the price.
As for customer support.
Fortunately I personally havent needed much in that department but Anyone that complains even a little bit about HTC's Customer support either has selective memory or has never dealt with the joke of customer support that we had in AirWarrior where literally every problem anyone had just HAD to be a problem with "your computer" it was never on thir end. in spite of the mountian of evidence you might submit to the contrary or the fact that 150 other people were having the exact same problems all at the same time. Their standard responce was almost always without exeption "It must be a problem with YOUR computer.
From what I've seen of HTC from the support dept they are second to none BAR NONE. They typically go way out of their way to help practically to the point of doing backflips to help their customers out. They have always and without exeption admitted and accepted responcability for any problems on their end and have worked to correct them. And when it IS a problem on the customers end they have worked equally as hard to try to help people correct that too when really they do not have to.
Cant ask for a hell of alot more then that.
Now I, like every one else may have my gripes, likes and dislikes about how the game is set up. And I may suggest, complain and and argue my points on how I think it should be. (and some might want to take note that I manage to do so without resorting to namecalling individuals who dissagree with me)
In the end up to HTC to act upon those complaints or sugestions or not. and in all honesty HTC does seem to at least try to take into account everyones concerns
So the one thing I will not do is throw a temper tantrum, stamp my feet and demand that because I pay $15 per month They HAVE to setup or run the game the way I want them to. Or Im gonna quit.
They cant and arent going to try to please EVERYONE. thats an impossable task. Be it map size,and/or color, feild spacing, base porking, hoarding, Flight modeling or whatever. There are always going to be some people that are unhappy about something.
the best they can hope for is to make things as tolerable and enjoyable for everyone as possable and let the chips fall where they may
So if anyone feels its that intolerable that you do not feel like your getting your $15 worth, if for pennies a day your not getting your $15 worth of fun Then yea Maybe you should just leave. And take That $15 bucks elsewhere.
And yanno what No matter who you are, You, me, or anyone else.
your loss will be noticed only as long as it takes to get into the next fight.