Originally posted by kj714
"This type of pilot has an internal clock or a hard deck or some combination that determines when to break off and when to press attacks.
Starting out you just want to set off their internal alarm bells to leave you alone."
That is a good point and one which I haven't been factoring in enough. My usual strategic thinking consists of how am I going to kill this guy, no matter where I'm starting out from. LOL!
I guess I don't have to fight everybody, huh?
Yea, the chances of you finding a Co-E, Co-Alt, 1 vs. 1 fight with a comparably performing plane without a fuel load handicap either way in the MA is less than hitting the powerball 3 draws in a row while getting struck by lightning. Just think of it as odds, learn to quickly judge relative E states and your odds of successfully equalizing them. Sometimes plane match-ups are in your favor, or you're really light and therefore more nimble and you can press the issue but more often than not, that is not the case.
Generally speaking, unless you have some advantage you are able to exploit, disengage and get an advantage. Doing otherwise just risks giving an undeserving enemy your pelt for no other reason than you lack the patience, discretion and rationality to realize 9 out of 10 times you are staring in the face of a losing situation. Unless of course you just enjoy giving the enemy a big stick to beat you with and have enough disposable free time to replane and re-alt to the fighting over and over on these new HUGE time consuming maps we are forced to endure.
If I just invested 30 minutes and have 4 pelts in my pouch I'm not about to give some Niki or La7 l33t k3wl d00d with some alt on me the opportunity to face shoot me. He'll instead get the priviledge of chasing me to friends and/or ack and certain death....