Batz said:Brady and I agree with your concerns.
Damn, let's carve the date and time in stone and celebrate on every anniversary. This has got to be the 1st time we've agreed on anything

Seriously, though, I'm glad you're aware of this potential problem.
There will be some level of scorched earth in regards to bridges.
You might want to reconsider that. IMHO, destroying bridges is as at least as bad a scenario-killer as destroying VHs. It just doesn't come into play as often.
From what I saw in Niemen, the deal with bridges was that they hit the Russians where they were most vulnerable, due to the way they were forced to play out a frame. In a nutshell, the Niemen map's hoards of "camps" and "defending troops" made it pretty much impractical to prep a field for capture with GVs. They just couldn't do it fast enough to advance on schedule for the frame. Thus, the Russians were forced to do almost all their prepping with aircraft. This got most of them killed, due to the deadly ack and the Germans always being able to have major alt on them. Thus, by about the middle of the frame, the Russian side was almost totally reduced to GVs.
If the Russians had taken anything beyond a bridge thanks to aircraft prepping, the only way they could defend it was to drive GVs across the bridge from wherever their home bases were at the start of the frame. This was because they just didn't have many planes left. But after the early Russian air attacks had been destroyed, the German Stukas could fly unopposed and cut the bridge with 2000kg bombs. Then it was German jabos and Tigers destroying whatever GVs the Russians still had across the bridge, followed by German recapture of everything on the far bank. This could happen every frame, as long as the bridge's map room was on the German side of the river. Then the Russians could never retain possession of the bridge, so could never start there in the next frame. So the process would be repeated for the rest of the scenario. Only if the Russians owned the bridge could they base there and no have to worry about crossing it.