Author Topic: Scenario Question / Poll  (Read 3820 times)

Offline Rapace

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Scenario Question / Poll
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2004, 04:45:18 PM »
I vote yes....;)

Offline Bullethead

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Scenario Question / Poll
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2004, 05:30:25 PM »
jordi said:
BH - Ususally a Sceanrio CM is either working on the Design and running of the Scenario or helping run one ( up to 6-9 months at times ) or the CM is not involved in the current Scenario at all CM Duty wise.  If the Scenario CM is not involved at all then if allowed by the player base he could then participate as part of the command staff for that scenario.

That's exactly what I was thinking.  This fine with me.  CMs not only deserve a shot at a staff job due to their enforced non-playing status most of the time, but would probably do a better job than most folks due to their intimate knowledge of what's needed from staffs to make scenarios work.  In addition, I think that seeing scenarios from all levels on the player side would help CMs improve how they design and run scenarios.  

So yeah, this is a good thing all around, IMHO.  Just as long as there's nobody wearing 2 hats.  I can remember some horrific scenario meltdowns in AW caused by guys being both CM and staff for the same scenario ;).

Ruhr was a slightly diff beast since I was helping train a new Scenario CM so I was part of the Design effort - but then relinquished all of my CM powers / access to be the CO also. This was a rare circumstance. Even as part of the design team I was unable to "ENSURE" an allied victory due to my participation at the CM level

I figured this was what you were doing.  I had no problem with it.  My requirement for a distinction between CMs and staff is only for during play anyway.  

The COs are in on the design process anyway, at least the fine-tuning part of it.  They haggle with each other and the CMs over the set-up long before any other playes get involved.  So I see no problem with members of the design team then being on the command staff when it's played out.

Offline HB555

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Scenario Question / Poll
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2004, 10:24:05 PM »
I do not know all the CM's, but of the ones I do know, and I am pretty sure they are representitive of the group, if they did have advance knowledge that would help their side as a player, XO, CO, whatever, it would not be used, even if it ment serious trouble for their side.
This is only a game (or so my wife tells me) but I think there is enough respect for all that no individual would abuse his/her powers as CM to influence game outcome.
Personal opinion, of course, but if you let me down Jordi, I will come back east and haunt you!
I voted Yes.
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Offline JB42

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Scenario Question / Poll
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2004, 02:50:07 AM »
My only concern would be in a situation where a CM is need in GODEYE, will he/she be too involved in something else?
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Offline jordi

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Scenario Question / Poll
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2004, 05:40:00 AM »
A CM who is WORKING the Scenario will not FLYING / PARTICIPATING in the Scenario. So that CM will always be available.

This just involes any CM who is not WORKING the Scenario  but is participating as a player and or command staff.
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Offline Roscoroo

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Scenario Question / Poll
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2004, 05:10:37 PM »
Originally posted by jordi
A CM who is WORKING the Scenario will not FLYING / PARTICIPATING in the Scenario. So that CM will always be available.

This just involes any CM who is not WORKING the Scenario  but is participating as a player and or command staff.

I'll vote in a "Yes "  As long as there is a neutral CM That over see's the senario .

I'm shure that the participating CM's/co's wont mess with the settings during the event because of the time it takes to set these up as fair and real as possiable. (I know i wouldnt)
Roscoroo ,
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Offline Gypsy Baron

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I vote "Yes"
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2004, 04:20:08 PM »
"Yes"...can't see any harm in this...a CM that abused
 his/her priv's wouldn't last long, I should hope.

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