Author Topic: Beta 16  (Read 2572 times)

Offline Pyro

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Beta 16
« on: February 27, 2004, 12:55:18 PM »
Beta 16 is now available for download.

Full version:

Update from 15:

Aces High II Version 1.9916 Open Beta
Added Bf 109G-6 with completed engine/fuel consumption model.

Completed engine/fuel consumption modeling on Hurri IIC and IID, C-47A.

Spitfire IX no longer causes a crash when selected.

Did a complete remodel of C-47 performance.

Fixed the front tire wobble on the M3.

Fixed a gunner bug that caused your viewpoint to rotate without rotating the gun.  This should be fixed on all gunner positions now.  If you encounter this bug in any gunner position, please report what vehicle/gun position it's happening in.

Fixed another bug causing vehicles to fall through terrain.

Fixed a bug that let the sun shine through trees.

Fixed a bug that dusk or dawn that caused plane shadows to flicker.  This is currently only fixed on the P-51.  We need ATI video card users to test this and make sure the shadow doesn't show on top of their airplane and then we'll implement the fix on all the planes.

You can no longer map the secondary weapon fire on a gunner position to a two key combination.

Fixed a bug with a change of screen resolution while in the game that prevented the mouse cursor from going to the bottom of the screen.

Wheels in the hangar no longer go through the floor.

Props are no longer alpha in the hangar.

Fixed a bug in the hangar that let the sky show through the hangar door.

Bullet water strikes now display correctly.

Put some temporary roads and rivers around airfield 1.  

We need testing of vehicle collisions with trees and objects in this version to make sure we don't have any remaining bugs in the object collider.

Made a change to our lighting properties.