Author Topic: Training and new blood  (Read 1969 times)

Offline 101ABN

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Training and new blood
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2004, 12:37:19 PM »
best bet is to join a squad with others and fly with them. thats what i did and my survival rate seems better flying with the squad.  squad mates tend to look out for each other and you can talk to them without all the world hearing. dont mind the rough comments that you get, everyone gets them. if you need any help look me up, im on all the time (trying to get better).

Offline Spitter

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Let me add another new guy welcome.
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2004, 01:08:37 PM »
AH is fun, but there is no AI to learn, all those planes out there gunning for you are 'manned' by real players, most of whom have years of experience.  
I have been playing...what, 2 months now?...have yet to score a kill in MA.  I am enjoying myself immensly, though.  
Box is a great guy (Go Fate Squadron!!) and I ran into Sqwigly my first nite online in the TA, and he invited me along for a special event mission.  Was a lot of fun, and I am now a member of ~Fate~.  
And a special thanks to Widewing for all the help last nite.  I feel a bit better about being able to up a 38 now.  It's an unforgiving beast, but in capable out.
So welcome again, and even us relatively new guys might be able to answer your questions.  A small recommendation tho, to avoid the dweebs on channel 1:  find someone you a)recognize from these boards, b) has helped you in the past, c) is in a squadron; and send them a private message in game with your question.
I know there are a lot of fine foks out there that aren't in squadrons, but the ones who are, you will most likely find, are dedicated to the game, will know the answer, and will be helpful, since they realize they are representing thier squad.

Cheers and good hunting,

Offline Adogg

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playing since January...
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2004, 01:26:09 PM » what is that? 4-5 months?

1. For the first 2 months YOU are a flying piniata with the words SHOOT ME written on the side of your plane. How do people know? How you fly.

2. 5 months in YOU'RE STILL A PINIATA - only there are players worse than you now and guess what? Occasionally you'll get a kill. More fun is the forced overshoot, nothing like making someone wish they hadn't done something

3. Go to for pointers - good tutorial

ALSO important: - SODA's page is very important once you settle on the type of fighting style you want to learn.


And if you ever want a dueling partner and you find me online give me a shout. I suck, but hey suckage is relative.

Offline igshill

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re help
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2004, 07:46:02 AM »
man i wish people wouldnt treat noobs the way you have been. ive been in ah for ovr 2 yrs now and i see the alt f4's an the go to training dweeb stuff every day. funny thing is it is often very good pilots that seem to enjoy this kind of playground bully mentality, but fortunatly not all of us. u can hilite a persons name in the roster on clipboard, thn select the tune to button at bottom. this will tune your channel I text ch to private (just you and the person youve selected can see it). i am always happy to help noobies any way i can, so if you have questions and im online dont hesitate to private me. you can also tune your vox ch V (ch V is the only tuneable vox ch) by / key to open txt buffer clic cursor at end of string in ch V box, backspace till clr thn type in id you want to private with, hit enter twice, use t key to transmit (talk). you can also tune radio ch's by dot command which i believe is ".radio5 igshill". (not positive but pretty sure) igshill being my id online. again you use / key to open text buffer for the entery of dot command. so to tune vox to me on private would be the following keystrokes:  /.radio5 igshill thn enter key of course. there must be a space between the command and the id or the dot command will not work. there are others that will help to, just gotta know who to ask. same goes for other noobies who posted, yur all welcome to pick my brain (i played air warriors for several years before ah). hope i can be of help IGShill

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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Training and new blood
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2004, 10:51:38 AM »
If you know what Stella is you're from our side of the pond, log into MA during GMT prime 8.00 pm onwards or on the weekends - quite a few peeps fly then, just wing up for a while.

Offline 68DevilM

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ive been around for about six months now and when i started i personally found myself always in the MA and it wasnt until after a couple moths i went to the trainer but to only ask a technical question.

anyways what im getting at is stick with the ma as much as possible, get up with a squad, they can usually help you alot, at first i used the spit alot without even knowing its capabillity's because it was a easy plane to learn on, and before long i was useing everyplane there is and had learned thier capabillitys.(remember there is a different plane for every occasion)

lastly develop your own personal style of fighting, screw other people if thier just pissed about getting shot down because you used a manuever that's not in the books, what do you care your the one with the kill!

after a couple of months youll be knocking the best of them out of the sky.