Originally posted by SunTracker
Great info guys. One more question though. Does being enrolled in college classes exempt a person from jury duty? I have not started my summer class yet, so I can still drop it.
Yes, but its not automatic. Show up and explain that you're going to start college on xx date and the judge will take it under consideration. Judges tend to know the responsibilities of a college education.
The last time I went in for jury duty, I was working for the Clerk of Circuit Court in a low-wage clerical capacity. The judge asked everyone in the pool "does anybody here personally know or work with the judge, the stenographer, the bailiff, or the clerk?" and I raised my hand and said "yes, I work with Linda over there and Jim over there, but have only spoken with the stenographer once or twice, your Honor."
That was 15 years ago and I haven't been called back since.