Author Topic: B26 bug list  (Read 453 times)

Offline flakbait

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B26 bug list
« on: May 03, 2004, 06:39:54 PM »
Using the patched version currently. With the rash of CTD's every 15-30 minutes the first time I run AH2 after boot, I'll be trying the full install shortly.

Some bridges/ramps are transparent from both the air and ground.

Flickering bug is back. Tree shadows, building/convoy textures, runways and field base textures are flickering when your POV is in motion. Runways are still positioned above the ground, not on the ground.

Odd brown patches are flickering on hillsides.

Strat system on NDISLES is totally fragged. At V1 all vehicles are disabled and fuel is limited to 25%, at A4 you can't fly anything after 5 minutes. Seems bases aren't getting resupplied or don't have any supplies since doing a .reset fixed the problem for another 5 minutes.

No hangar options work on CV's except a manned gun position.

Tiger I muzzle flash is vertical, not horizontal.

Tiger I mantlet, sight, and loading tray are still recoiling with the gun

^^ Ditto for the PzIV

Tiger I pintle gun has no muzzle flash

Clipboard is semi-transparent to gages and vehicle parts. Minimizing it had the effect of letting me see the gages, but not the whole panel, through the CB in the A6M2. Doing the same thing in any GV resulted in some fairly bizzare visuals until the CB fully came up.

Arena settings Fields option is still partially blocked on the left by the swing-out menu.

Strat CB menu shows all is well, when in fact there's no supplies anywhere after 5 minutes.

Show Enabled option is VERY broke! During my earlier encounter with the phantom strat system, I tried using this to see what AC/GV's were operational. It didn't change anything on the display despite the fact that every choice spit up the error "You are unable to fly that plane from this field."

CTD'd after 30 minutes or so of play. Restarting the game let me play for another 20 minutes before quitting to write this.

Load lag for skins is hideous. Game paused for 5 seconds while loading the P-51D skin for the drones. Lag occured at 500+ yards, not the previous 300 yards.

Coax MG on both Tiger I and PzIV has a square muzzle flash when viewed from the right side external view.

Muzzle flash on models isn't mobile. Rotating the PzIV's pintle gun still showed a muzzle flash on the front end, instead of out back where the muzzle was.

Bf-110C4 sound source for nose guns rotates as the aircraft rolls. This makes for one weird audio experience! Rolling inverted had the effect of making the guns sound as if they were behind me instead of out front. Several other aircraft also have this bug.

900MHz AMD
256mb PC2100 DDR
Radeon 9200 128mb Cat 4.3 Dx9b
SoundBlaster PCI128
VIA 4in1 4.43
Zbuff M=1 T=1 ZS=1 ZB=1 W=0

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
« Last Edit: May 03, 2004, 07:07:44 PM by flakbait »

Offline flakbait

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B26 bug list
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2004, 07:13:26 PM »
Trees are blocking bridge access in certain places N of A4. Hitting the over-hanging tree canopy results in watching a 40+ ton Tiger I go airborne. Rather funny, but also annoying. I'd also suggest you figure out a way to keep roads horizontally level, with a more logical road layout when traversing steep terrain in future terrains.

Phantom objects are stopping GV's in many places along the road.

Convoys can't be hit by anything. I tried straffing in a Bf-110G, firing with the Ma Deuce from the M-8, M-3, and LVTA4, plus opening fire with the PzIV's 75mm. Nothing. No hits at all despite having them not twenty feet from the gun muzzle. Dropping bombs failed to work too.

Convoys seem to take supplies instead of giving them. See the above phantom strat bug.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High

Offline flakbait

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B26 bug list
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2004, 03:12:07 PM »
Interesting FR bug discovered. Flying out towards the eastern-most island without a field on it in a C-47 loaded with troops. My FR was sitting all fat, dumb and happy at 72 until I started playing with the view ranges with the Shift-F1/F2/F3 combo. The instant I did that, my FR dumped by 20 and refused to climb above 52 during the remainder of the flight. I usually use Shift-F2 as my default, and switching back to this didn't bring my FR back. But here's the kicker: it didn't CTD at all. I played for over an hour looking for any bugs, and it stayed stable. Normally on the first run after a fresh boot, AH2 crashes within 15 minutes. Apparently the CTD and the view range are tied together somehow.

CV twin 5" guns have a double muzzle flash. One always faces forward, the other is on the gun muzzle. Using the old "change ammo type to fire faster" cheat also generated a bug. When you do this the round does not fly where the gun barrels are pointing, but straight forward. I also noticed that the red + vanished on me when I swung the turret aft to bag a drone.

CV single 5" gun and sight recoil together.

Bumpy runway bug has returned! At least half the fields I used had the runway flickering like mad and a lot of potholes!

Large caliber gun recoil on GV's kicks the turret off target. There's no way even an 88mm gun had an off-center recoil, let alone one powerful enough to yarf the gun off target.

Me-262 nose gear light is still broke. Whatsamatta, Pyro run out of light bulbs?

SBD flap sound locks in a continuous loop when you kick the dive flaps closed, but want the regular flaps to stay deployed by hitting Q.

Central fire control station on the Baltimore cruiser has a pretty damn funny clipboard bug. As you swing the sight around you can see this little UFO above and left of the red +. That UFO is the minimized clipboard!

Features request: support mouse scrolling for menus like the hangar, arena options, field settings, etc... It'd be pretty handy.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High