Author Topic: Bleeding heart “prayer” threads  (Read 332 times)

Offline beet1e

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Bleeding heart “prayer” threads
« on: May 13, 2004, 05:42:56 AM »
I think that different countries and cultures have different ways of dealing with bereavement. Some women wear black for the rest of their lives once their husband dies, hence the black widow. Here, bereavement is an enormous sadness, and even though I’m a nonbeliever, I’ll always go to the funeral of someone who played an important part in my life. The period between death and funeral is awful. The funeral provides the means of drawing the line under it, and moving on. But generally, we don’t make much fuss. I could have posted about the British police officer who was shot dead by an American fugitive of US justice last December, but I did not. It's just one of those things.

But I’m now noticing quite a number of “prayer” threads popping up on this BBS, and it always seem to be when ONE American life has been lost or is in jeopardy, whether that life be that of a man, woman or even a cat. Of course, we are sympathetic in these cases. I know what it's like to lose a relative, and a cat, but I don't post about it on this board or ask for "prayers".

Although this BBS represents an international community, it is tainted with a strong spirit of American nationalism. (Note the difference between nationalism and patriotism - I have nothing against patriotism) So when ONE American life is lost or jeopardised, the call goes up for prayers. But when a tragedy occurs in another part of the world such as Madrid, we see threads popping up making fun of the situation. Threads like this, or this one in which the Spanish were merely castigated for voting as they did in the aftermath of the Madrid train bombing tragedy. Such is the two-faced nature of this board.

But I digress. The topic is prayers for lives lost or in jeopardy. Of course I am no less sympathetic than the next man when it comes to these delicate issues. But do we have to have a bleeding heart prayer thread about it, or a minute's silence every time someone dies?

Same thing happens on the "other" board, so it's not just here. I get visions of everyone forming a circle and joining hands for a group weep. And I am reminded of the later episodes of Starsky and Hutch, after they got told to tone down the violence. Hardly a week would go by without Paul Michael Glaser blubbering into the camera. :rolleyes:

Let's get a sense of proportion, guys. We've all got our heroes, and we've all got our loved ones. I've always considered bereavement a personal and private matter.

But if we're going to have prayer threads every time an American life is lost or jeopardised, can we perhaps spare a thought for the rest of the world when tragedy strikes, and not make fun of the situation or dismiss another nation as "stupid"?

There. I feel better for getting that off my chest. But I know how this is going to end up, so...


Offline Thud

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Bleeding heart “prayer” threads
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2004, 06:08:52 AM »
I think the message within your post will be lost on many on these boards, nevertheless I think your INtentions were right.

Offline Steve

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Bleeding heart “prayer” threads
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2004, 06:12:12 AM »
Beet1e, you are an idiot for posting this.

But when a tragedy occurs in another part of the world such as Madrid, we see threads popping up making fun of the situation. blah blah blah.

The threads posted for castigating Spain were related to their decision to abandon the people of Iraq, not for the tragic murders of Spanish citizens.  There were many hearfelt prayers sent by Americans on this board.    How many made a joke out of the deaths?  1?

You see a lot of patriotism on the boards lately because we are at war.  You see more American patriotism simply because there are more American on this board.

When you type the word "nationalism"  Ii know you are saying it w/ derision, in a derogatory manner.  Stick it in your arse, you banana! We love our country and we are at war... that's it.  

ut if we're going to have prayer threads every time an
American life is lost or jeopardised, can we perhaps spare a thought for the rest of the world when tragedy strikes, and not make fun of the situation or dismiss another nation as "stupid"?

This is rediculous.. Americans all over, including on this board hurt for the Spanish when the train was bombed.  1 or 2 nutcases make fun of the situation and you generalize it as being the status quo.  Congrats, Alan.  You have sunk to a new low.
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Offline beet1e

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Bleeding heart “prayer” threads
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2004, 07:04:23 AM »
Originally posted by Thud
I think the message within your post will be lost on many on these boards, nevertheless I think your INtentions were right.
INdeed. I'm basically saying two things. [list=1]
  • Matters such as bereavement etc are private issues not appropriate to warrant prayer ads on a wargame BBS.
  • When tragedy strikes in another part of the world, I would hope not to see derision. A measure of decorum would be much better.

Offline Skuzzy

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Bleeding heart “prayer” threads
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2004, 07:08:41 AM »
If you disagree, fine.  Ignore the threads.  The title makes this nothing more than flame bait.

This forum would be a lot better off if some showed some self-restraint anyways.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese