You mean like you? I should post Cut & Pasted walls of text consisting of others literary work and opinion? Or post links and a synopsis none of which you have any intention of reading. It's been done on the board here and at AGW by others several times already. All of which gets branded and replied to by the neanderthal-con and neo-con as "Bush is Hitler" "No blood for Oil," "diud you forget 9/11???!!! and "lies lies lies" - in other words the post and poster gets defamed and the message minimized
With all that has transpired and been uncovered over the past year alone I'm amazed people like you still support the US administration, a veritable house of lies, so strongly.
I don't need to do any research for you. I posted my firm opinion based on past deceptions & practices by US officials and oil corporations, on who is now in office, past legislation attempts by some of the heads of this administration and on who has headed certain corporations in the past.