Originally posted by hawker238
Can someone sum it up?
A London guy tried to buy a Mac notebook from an American on Ebay. The brit was obviously trying to steal it since the escrow service he wanted to use (not Ebays) wasn't legit.
So, the American took a notebook binder, marked it up crudely so that it vaguely resembled a notebook and fed-exed it to London with a declared value of $2,000.00.
The London crook had to pay 27% tax on the item before Fedex was allowed to deliver it.
There were several brits in on the plot (good guy side) and they slipped in the delivery address and took pictures of the fellow as he opened it. He paid approximately $500.00 tax for a 3 ring binder.
The BBS (URL noted at top) participated in the scamming of the scammer. Everyone pitched in for the FEDEX delivery costs.
Heh, read the thread. Gack, it was a gas.