The la7 gains no performance benefit from hi FBM either. Why keep claiming that? No matter what the FBM both planes perform the same as they would regardless of the fuel mod. The jug is heavier, the la7 lighter. With a higher FBM the Jug just spawns with less fuel, if it’s higher he rolls with a bit more.
You have the choice, regardless of the fuel mod, to decide when and where you wish to engage.
You have claimed several times that the la7 was "over used". Well what does that mean, there's too many? There's too many 51s as well. There's "too many" of a lot of planes, so what?
La7s always have less fuel endurance no matter what the FBM. Because the bases are at 25 mile apart in AH isn’t (imho) a justifiable reason to limit certain planes to a few minutes of fuel. You can always voluntarily take off further back and burn fuel to get to your desired "combat weight".
109s aren’t necessarily an issue (except the 109e) since fuel porking has been addressed. However, those short range planes with out DTs (the planes that make the arena fun) are still adversely affected by the high FBM or any FBM for that matter. Altitude isn’t scalable. Let’s say it takes 5 min for a Yak 9u to get to 15k, at an FBM of 2 he has burned twice as much fuel to get to alt. By climbing he losses combat time, where the jug just losses weight.
I know you have stated your support for a multiplier between 1.5 and 2 but even at 1 the only thing that changes is the amount flight time for each plane. Performance doesn't change; the la7s doesn’t end up with 2000 gal of gas and no weight penalty.
A la7 with 75% gas and an FBM at 2 still weighs the same as La7 with 75% gas and an FBM at 1. A jug at 50% fuel and an FBM at 2 still weighs the same as a Jug and an FBM at 1.
The jug can decide to take more or less fuel and to take off closer or further as he sees fit at any FBM.
I thought the main reason of the FBM and new consumption model was to get folks to fly at crusie settings, not to make things easier for overweight jugs