Medium range warping worse
At 7-10k distance, aircraft (dots) warp badly. Update rate based on range + number of local aircraft might be nice.
- crashed going to "show all missions" after flying for a while. could not repeat.
- other teams' fields in planner's field selection list
- no need for edit box for who posted the mission
- error message for not filling in a flight's player count is weird
- sun is very large
- sun effect on clipboard unrealistic and annoying (can't use right hand on hat to turn head and use mouse at the same time.)
Message window
- font too large. Ideally should be adjustable (and scroll-able, of course
- FSAA mangles text. would be nice to not use AA in message window (or icons for that matter)
- clipboard flies behind aircraft when switching to 6 view immediately after closing clipboard.
- clipboard is awful in hangar.
- clipboard navigation getting out of control. There are so many different ways in which the clipboard pages are manipulated at different times, it is very unwieldy. I'd kill for a good ol' menu bar and dock-able windows. It's just not nearly "cute" enough to justify how hard it is to use.
Mouse look
Mouse look is awesome, but the head-rest (and window framing to a lesser extent) are a real detriment to its usefulness. Perhaps one could interpolate head position based on the nearest couple of programmed view positions? (that might suck, but something needs to be done). Currently most planes can't use mouse-look to check 6, which is kind of important.
Misc bugs
- Manned ack invisible. Should have tracers on (like buff guns), or at least muzzle flare
- Tempest missing label on combat trim indicator
- F6F combat trim indicator doesn't light
- Combat trim doesn't need to put a message in chat window (as there is a light on the dash for it)
- The window frames in the tower are rendered poorly with texture size set at 128
- when changing gunsites in flight, the plane you are flying is not updated.
- crashed after changing textures from 256->Unlimited. (couldn't repeat).
Point of view wrong when panning while using hat
The point of view ends up wrong, when you snap to a view while a panning key is held down.
To reproduce: Move hat to 6 view, pan with arrow key, while still holding arrow key down, release hat. View to front starts improperly offset. The obvious time this happens is when checking the other side of one's headrest in a 6-oclock view, and then returning to forward view.
And.. A couple of AH1 bugs that I can't test in AH2 because there aren't enough players. I'm sure y'all will know if they are fixed or not.
- The rate of data download on login is unpleasantly slow. The game is basically unplayable until it all arrives, so it would be better to get it down as fast as possible. Alternatively, fixing the glitches that make the game unplayable with incomplete data would be ok (though much more difficult, I'm sure). Example gliches: friend or foe unclear, perk prices skewed, radar incoherent. As it stands, it's darn unpleasant for quite some time on a busy night, and I can't immagine it will take much time to just download it all for any modern connection - even 56k.
- Something wrong with the line drawing on radar map. Sometimes no lines/circles will draw until a specific set of data types is selected, then everything will draw correctly. For example, turning on VH spawn points will draw nothing, then if zone base is selected, both zone base and VH spawns will draw.
- 10,10 radar bug. Something puts an erroneous bar here. A 0,0 temporary aircraft placement perhaps?
- When in the "Strat" or "Map" view, the list of fields snaps to the current selection every time the list is updated. On a busy night it can be very difficult to select a desired field from a long list.