I hit a ridge in an M3 at speed, tipped over, fell back onto tracks and just kept going without damage. In Carmageddon that would have given me a lot of points for "cool stunt" or whatever that was called :-)
On a serious note: I manage to hit the water with wings from a plane while in flight and receive no damage and just a scraping sound. This area of damage through ground contact needs to be refined...
The horizontal layers of trees have no collision detection (also for bullets), doubtlessly saving CPU-Cycles but leaving GVs open to attack from above. Maybe intentional.
B17 Waistgunners will stick their heads through the fuselage skin at extreme traverse.
Severe clipping problems with some buildings at GV-bases.
The airspeedindicator on the 109f shows a TAS thats lower than IAS at slow airspeed, even if engine is off and/or plane almost at standstill on runway, so it canīt be due to airflow effects cited before.