Author Topic: who are your fav adversaries?  (Read 5937 times)

Offline Shane

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« Reply #90 on: June 07, 2004, 05:25:13 PM »
almost, grits...

it should read, "The only people who get offended by Shane are the ones who take themselves too seriously."

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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« Reply #91 on: June 07, 2004, 06:41:25 PM »
Ahh I see immersion has differnt levels... I have not done the dunjeons and dragon thing in here yet.

I'm kinda the same in here as real life except I try to be more civil in here...nothing ventured by shooting off your mouth by computer.

one of the cats

FSO Jagdgeschwader 11

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #92 on: June 07, 2004, 07:22:27 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
as a teacher you should be ashamed to making assumptions based on  something you don't have the faintest clue about.

are you so beat down in your real life that you need to be ranked #1 to assuage that fragile ego of yours?

i have never claimed the game itself matters, lol.

but hey it's a free country, even anal retentive control freaks have a right to voice their opinion.

Most of what I said about you Shane was not an assumption; it was based purely on observations.  Everyone knows how much you talk about yourself, about how lame you think everyone is and how great you are.  You can’t go five minutes without insulting someone or making pathetically lame excuses each time you screw up.  It’s not an assumption; you’re clearly insecure and have a major ego problem.

The only assumption that I made about you was that you are an AH hermit; it does make a lot of sense.  You never talk about your real life; what are you so ashamed of?  Either your real life, or your online personality…  You have to expect people to make assumptions when you demand so much attention.  I’m sure that you do other things as well, build models, write ditties, etc.   That doesn’t change the fact that you are totally wrapped up into your online personality, living in a virtual world.

If anyone makes assumptions it’s you Shane.  Ranking number one is not hard, time consuming or important, and I have never claimed or even hinted that it is.  It’s just something to do, and I like to do a variety of things, big deal.

For someone who has never claimed that AH matters much, you sure talk as if it’s the only thing that does.  

Shane, I really do get a kick out of you.  Sometimes I laugh at what you say, usually I just laugh at you.  I will admit, however, that there is one thing that bothers me about you; your trash talk is destructive to the CT community.  A lot of people have less fun when you are online.  It’s not unusual for people to leave, at least for the night, because of you.  You antagonize and insult people who are new to the arena, they think the place sucks, and they leave.  Many people take your words personally.  Some people clearly are oversensitive, but with you, people get upset often.  It’s your words that are the problem.  You don’t contribute to the arena, you only bring it down.  You’re like a drunken obnoxious hobo at a party; some people get a good laugh, others just want to leave.

If you want to talk trash, go ahead.  Spew it at me and other old timers who don’t mind.  But don’t drive people away from our arena.  I really don’t think that you’re capable though; you’re a compulsive attention seeker who’s only thrill in life is putting people down.  You’re a sad little man, online and in real life.


Offline memnon

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« Reply #93 on: June 07, 2004, 07:23:42 PM »
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl The subject matter has changed once again.:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #94 on: June 07, 2004, 07:36:51 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin
So... the real problem is not that Shane is better than you guys... it is that he is constantly rubbing your nose in it?

There are tons of players who put up a better fight that Shane.  He’s not bad, but there are many who are better.  

LOL, I just check the stats for last tour; I killed him 16:1.  Many players, such as yourself, I’d be delighted to match 1:1.  


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #95 on: June 07, 2004, 07:39:51 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
It was, really. Now here's yours. Don't make excuses for Shane. Yes, sometimes it's personal. Shane's human and he has more weaknesses than you're willing to believe. It's certainly hopelessly habitual. So is yours. So don't try to blow that "AH lost it's touchy-feelyness due to the population explosion" thang up our keesters. Being an stunninghunk is certainly an intentional act that in the end just makes the individual more bitter than they were to start with. You are the evidence in that. ;)

Here's the flip-side ... I've finally seen Shane almost offer some respect for someone else. Of course at the same time he was in the middle of a trashtalk fight with a third party so it may have been distracting.

Now let's see how much the above bothers either of ya. :D

Oh I won't deny that I can be the worlds biggest *******.  Hell, even Shane has nothing on me once I get going.

I will say that if I get cherrypicked by some newbie I've never heard of I'm a lot more likely to shoot off some sarcastic comment than I would be if I recognized the name of the guy that got me.

I'd say the people flying on my 'team' in the area will generally come out with a better opinion of me then the enemy flying in the area or perhaps someone watching Ch 1 would.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #96 on: June 07, 2004, 07:44:51 PM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
(1) Most of what I said about you Shane was not an assumption; it was based purely on observations.  Everyone knows how much you talk about yourself, about how lame you think everyone is and how great you are.  You can’t go five minutes without insulting someone or making pathetically lame excuses each time you screw up.  (2) It’s not an assumption; you’re clearly insecure and have a major ego problem.

The only assumption that I made about you was that you are an AH hermit; it does make a lot of sense. (4) You never talk about your real life; what are you so ashamed of?  Either your real life, or your online personality…  You have to expect people to make assumptions when you demand so much attention.  I’m sure that you do other things as well, build models, write ditties, etc.  (3) That doesn’t change the fact that you are totally wrapped up into your online personality, living in a virtual world.

If anyone makes assumptions it’s you Shane. (5) Ranking number one is not hard, time consuming or important, and I have never claimed or even hinted that it is.  It’s just something to do, and I like to do a variety of things, big deal.

(6) For someone who has never claimed that AH matters much, you sure talk as if it’s the only thing that does.  

Shane, I really do get a kick out of you.  Sometimes I laugh at what you say, usually I just laugh at you.  I will admit, however, that there is one thing that bothers me about you; (7) your trash talk is destructive to the CT community.  A lot of people have less fun when you are online.  It’s not unusual for people to leave, at least for the night, because of you.  You antagonize and insult people who are new to the arena, they think the place sucks, and they leave.  (8) Many people take your words personally.  Some people clearly are oversensitive, but with you, people get upset often.  It’s your words that are the problem.  You don’t contribute to the arena, you only bring it down.  You’re like a drunken obnoxious hobo at a party; some people get a good laugh, others just want to leave.

If you want to talk trash, go ahead.  Spew it at me and other old timers who don’t mind.  (9) But don’t drive people away from our arena.  I really don’t think that you’re capable though; you’re a compulsive attention seeker who’s only thrill in life is putting people down.  You’re a sad little man, online and in real life.


lol.  there you go with your distorted views again.

1. I don't talk about myself. I don't go on about how great i am. i *do* go on about how many frail ego'd geldings i encounter.

2. my ego is healthy thank you very much. both on and offline.

3. i'm only wrapped up in my online avatar when i'm online.

4. I don't feel the need to share my real life experiences with people *while* playing an online game. if i wanted to chat, i'd use a chat service. besides too many of you i see being incapable of making the distinction between on- and offline personalities. you're being a prime example right now.

5.  your #1 ranking seems very important to you, as you make sure you get it (if it's so "easy") why bother? why not let someone else (not me, could care less) have the "thrill?"  but, no... month after month, after month, your frail ego demands it be yours.

6. there you go, confusing on- and offline personae again. the game doesn't "matter." if AH went tits up tonite, i'd , and move on. case in point, i came from AW, but you never see me wailing and gnashing my teeth about it's passing or reliving the "good old days."  if anything matters to me, *within* the game, it's simple effort to improve ones' abilities with acm. by doing so, *i* benefit from a better fight down the road.

7. my trash talk is much less "destructive" to the CT than the various settings, setups and in general overall weak gameplay that has kept the CT from expanding beyond its truly limited playerbase, i.e. why don't more  MA people fly CT? (do a real good search and you'll find a lot of reasons, my flying there won't be one of them.) you think these people haven't seen me in MA as well - or often much worse than myself?

8.  it's not so much my words, as the facts that *i'm* the one saying them. oldman is too subtle for you guys. :) no one is ever forced to get into a ch1 word-fest with me. simply not responding generally leaves it at the one line i toss out, often something like "you geldings aren't bad with numbers." the guys who respond back often try and make it personal. they still suck at that, too.

9.  again, take a very good look at the reasons why the playerbase of teh CT has remained constant. do an honest assessment, and you might be surprised. trying to make me a scapegoat for the overall shortcomings is just.... lame.

10. deposit another quarter and try again, son. i find you amusing the way you try and come off as some dignified old timer when you're just a lame score whoring, vulching slobberdonkey.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2004, 08:00:18 PM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline Shane

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« Reply #97 on: June 07, 2004, 07:48:42 PM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
There are tons of players who put up a better fight that Shane.  He’s not bad, but there are many who are better.  

LOL, I just check the stats for last tour; I killed him 16:1.  Many players, such as yourself, I’d be delighted to match 1:1.  


lol, tons?  you talking weight?  urchin would chew you up and spit you out like yesterday's gum. you're no where near his level.

name 1, just 1 CT regular who you think can take me consistently 1 on 1.

of those 16 kills, how many were proxies from your acks? HOs? when i'm slow and slow? vulches? cherries? came from me actually trying to out-turn a better turner instead of lamely running off?

how many times have you faced me without a crutch and ended up getting spanked? quite a few, no? be honest, now.

i love it when lamers like you try and make yourself out to be more than you are.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline memnon

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« Reply #98 on: June 07, 2004, 07:55:14 PM »
:D :cool: :rofl :aok just enjoying this post.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2004, 07:57:33 PM by memnon »

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #99 on: June 07, 2004, 07:58:05 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
I like fighting Urchin and have never found him to be rude or obnoxious,

Yeah, I just flew with him.  He really wasnt rude at all. Maybe I just need to STFU:D

Oh, I was pretty mild in there today.

Someone had a great kill on me, I think it was Deej.  Never really expected to get owned by a 110 when I was in a P-38- he cleaned my clock good.  I screwed up, I died, I tossed out a "GK", and that was it.  

I think what people have a problem with is me telling someone "Gee, that was the most boring fight ever" when they spend 15 minutes bore-n-zooming me and finally screw up the zoom to the point where I kill them.  One of the two Finnish guys in there got a little pissy when I said that to him right after I killed him.  

But I honestly don't care if I hurt people's feelings.  They'll get over it.  If I can goad one person into actually fighting, I consider that taunting worth it.

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« Reply #100 on: June 07, 2004, 08:01:57 PM »
Whoohoo!  I feel special!

Retired CO of the ancient **Flying Monkeys** CT squadron.

Offline Shamus

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« Reply #101 on: June 07, 2004, 09:26:09 PM »
Keep waving that weenie with gusto shane!! dont disappoint


one of the cats

FSO Jagdgeschwader 11

Offline Shane

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« Reply #102 on: June 07, 2004, 09:35:01 PM »
you like looking at things you don't/can't have, eh?

Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
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« Reply #103 on: June 07, 2004, 09:41:48 PM »
Naw, I can always count on you to blather and wave away.

one of the cats

FSO Jagdgeschwader 11

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« Reply #104 on: June 08, 2004, 06:50:50 PM »
ya'll keep giving Shane exactly what he wants ... a verbal sword fight .. LOL

but don't let me stop you, pls, carry on .... :)
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