Author Topic: Beta 38 - Note warning in readme  (Read 2744 times)

Offline Pyro

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Beta 38 - Note warning in readme
« on: June 05, 2004, 02:39:27 PM »
Beta 38 is now available for download.

Full version (80 MB):

Update from 36(11.7 MB):

Aces High II Version 1.9938 Open Beta

NOTE:  AH2 requires DirectX 9.  If you are using an older version of DirectX,
you will need to upgrade.  Go to to update.

Changed how textures are loaded.  Textures are limited to 512 in this version.  AH2
will automatically select the maximum texture size for your video card's capability.

Removed the "A-" from the fuel tank indicator when operating in automatic fuel tank selection
mode.  The color of the text now changes to yellow when you are in manual mode.

Fixed a bug causing air and sea mode being selectable in vehicles.

Props now stop when you land on a CV and cut your engine.

Loss of control from a pilot wound now takes place after full blackout is incurred.

SBD cowl guns now fire at a synchronized rate of fire.

Fixed a bug causing Ar 234 to damage its engines on takeoff or landing.

Added new fuel consumption model on 109E.

Fixed a bug in the La7 and La 5 manifold pressure.  Also calibrated MP gauges on those planes.

Changed the FM2 model subtype.(Slightly increased fuel capacity and an emergency power rating)

Ordnance should now be removed on all planes whenever the part of the plane it is attached to is destroyed.

Changed the Lancaster weapon loadout label to include the tail .50s.

110G now loads the correct sized bombs.

190D9 Fuel gauge text sized correctly.

Muzzle flashes on P-47's are now displayed in the right spot.

F6F combat trim indicator works.

Changed the view position constraints on the driver position of the Tiger.

Fixed the clipboard positioning problems on C47, Typhoon, and PT boat.

Wheels on F6F now sort correctly.

Gear lights now turn yellow when gear is damaged.

Wheels on 109F-4 now rotate.

Muzzle flashes on 109s now sorts correctly.

262 instrument panel now sorts correctly.

Fixed numerous damage display bugs on aircraft.

Fixed sorting error on Spit 9 and 14 engine exhaust.

37 mm muzzle flash now displays correctly.

Added combat trim label on the Tempest cockpit.

C47 landing gear no longer shows gear in both up and down positions when gear is down.

C47 flaps now display correctly when up.

Bullets now emit from the correct locations on Spits and 109s.

Added field and factory maps for display on the clipboard.

Centered airspeed indicators on 109G's.