This will be an open competition to all Aces High players. There are 6 slots for Me-262's in Frame 6 and 4 slots for Me-163's in Frame 5.
Here's the rules.
1) Players who don't want to compete for the slots are welcome to be in B-17 and B-24 formations. They will air spawn at over 20,000 ft and level off.
2) Players that wish to compete will air spawn in 262's and lift off in 163's. Depending on turnout, competing players may be done in sets or in singles.
3) The objective will be to be the highest scoring player by shooting down bombers.
4) Competing players only get one life.
5) Non-competing players can air spawn repeatedly.
6) Competing players can air spawn bombers before and after thier jet sortie.
7) Logs will be rolling for after event analysis to award selected slots to the winners.
These are the Battle of Germany dates for the jet slots. 9:30 pm Eastern Time/ 8:30 pm Central Time
March 12, 2011: Frame 5
March 19, 2011 : Frame 6
The competition will be Feb 5, 2011 at 9:30 pm Eastern Time/ 8:30 pm Central Time in SEA1
Those who like to shoot down 262's and 163's, show up and rack up high kill counts. Maybe, the Allies might hire you to gun for them.