Author Topic: Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff  (Read 2908 times)

Offline DktrEvil

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2004, 06:59:48 PM »
I think this "reality" thing in MA has gone a bit too far :D .  

The average player will not want to deal with this in the MA and I don't blame him/her.  Most MA players are there for quick fights and landing kills.  This will make the landing kills part way more difficult, especially if you are damaged.

I see this as a good addition to the CT since the CT boasts more "realistic" settings

"The Combat Theater is set up for historical gameplay.  There is a two sided war, a limited plane set, and reduced radar. "

and attracts the more experienced pilots.  Most people who fly the CT regularly expect a bit more difficulty and will spend time working on improving their skills.

It would be nice if there were increased effort at making the CT a more realistic arena and let MA be MA.  Personally, I rarely fly MA and spend most of my time in the CT.  

So far, the CT is only different from the MA in as far as there is a limited planeset and Historical maps.  Other than that, it is pretty much the same, flashing bases for all vehicles and planes, radar settings not much different, icon range the same (I think), outside views for buffs, lazer buff guns, auto-takeoff enabled, etc.

Enough pontificating, I have Evil plans to attend to.
+Dr Evil's Death Squadron+

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Offline kevykev56

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2004, 08:43:55 PM »
DktrEvil what you are describing is basically what AW use to be. You are wanting a relaxed realism arena. I feel the more this game is like a simulator the more I want to play it. For every person who would want what you want there is another that wants full realism. This is still Beta if its wrong Hitech will make it right.

It only shows you cant make everone happy. As for me........AH2 makes me very happy!!!

RHIN0 Retired C.O. Sick Puppies Squadron

Offline hitech

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2004, 08:06:32 AM »
dktrevil: What your describing is why auto take off is implemented.

Offline WarLover

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2004, 11:36:08 AM »
Have a full CH USB rig and had a time adjusting to this new model in AH2.

For me, taxiing using brakes and rudder inputs seems to be far superior to AH1. On takeoff I shuffle the rudder peddals and no longer have a ground loop problem. On landing, I use the rudder down to the runway and then use toe brakes to keep it straight during rollout (rudder input becomes ineffective rapidly as the speed decreases during rollout and is almost certain to cause a ground  loop).

From what I've read this seems to be a pretty realistic scenario except real tail draggers had locking tail wheels for take off and landing. The free swivelling tail wheel was an aid to taxiing. If you look at any of the tail dragger training films on Zeno's, they make a big deal out of locking the tail wheel for takeoff and landing.

I like the enhanced realism and only change I'd like to see is the locking tail wheel (IL2 has one).


Offline nopoop

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2004, 11:44:22 AM »
Just do the time, rudder inputs are more jabs than anything else. Or dancing as HT says. You'll get used to it, it's easy with a few hundred takeoffs and landings.

USB pro pedals here.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Cobra412

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2004, 03:13:58 PM »
Not every plane has a lockable tail wheel.  If I remember right Spits are one of those who don't.   I've got a full CH setup and yes it feels as if the plane wants to kind of dip left and right pulling me that way.  I just use differential breaking to keep it to a minimum and keep my airspeed rather low while taxiing.

Offline Zanth

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2004, 03:23:39 PM »
262 is a squirrly sucker on takeoffs.  I was trying to avoid the "invisible runway obstruction bug",  so my motor didn 't get killed again, and almost lost control.  Thing is its a nosewheel plane.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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Rudder controls while taxiing/takeoff
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2004, 05:24:15 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Boat, I don't belive there is a bug in the  system. Make sure you have the damper on your rudder set very very low. Putting much damper in would create a very hard to control aircraft.


Give us the "Locking" tailwheel or ease up on the "slop". Not only that but we are not able to "feal" the forces that go along with the tail movemenst as one does in "real" taildraggers. Also not being able to feal" the brake inputs are also a big problem for me. No I have not flown an F4U, P-51 or any othe fighter but I have flown a T-6, BT-13, Yale BT-14, Beach 18 and a few other "heavy" tail draggers. I am no "High Time" pilot by any means but I have yet...knock-on-wood, ground looped a real airplane in my 2,000 hours of tailwheel flying. AHII is a bit much IMHO.

Also, remember that the pilots in WWII, most only had a couple hundred hours of flight time...if that! Ground loops were very common.

Offline Boat

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Re: It's real ppl...
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2004, 06:53:01 PM »
Originally posted by 2Hawks
It's real ppl. It's not a bug.......snip

But Face it ppl, It's been an arcade up to now.

Hey ppl, I'm also for realism and maybe this is not a  bug. The only other choice would be  poor modeling of this particular flight characteristic. I can't believe that these aircraft were nearly  impossible to taxi down a runway at low speed in a straight line.  Practice may make this easier but why HT needs to make taxi-ing to a rearm pad difficult in the name of realism is beyond me, especially in a program that allows auto pilot take offs.