Author Topic: Rudder Problems  (Read 351 times)

Offline OLtos

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Rudder Problems
« on: June 11, 2004, 10:08:52 AM »
Having reviewed some concerns others have placed concerning rudder control problems I thought I'd broaden the scope of my problem.  

For those of you who have been experiencing problems do the following test.  Go the the Joystick Settings screen where you can see the input for your controller.  Hold partial rudder and watch the input.  If your input does not stop but continues to full deflection in spite of you holding only partial deflection then you are having the same problem I am having.

This problem will cause the wild swinging you see on take off rolls. You think you are holding only a little rudder when the airplane is applying full rudder.  You try to compensate with a little opposite rudder but the rudder goes full opposite on you.  At this point you are in an airplane that is overcontrolling on you against your will and you are all over the airfield.

To see if this is a new problem I completely uninstalled rev 40 and clean installed rev37.   The problem does not exist in rev37.

POSSIBLE solution:
Try completely uninstalling any rev you have, by using the uninstall routine in control panel AND manually deleting any left over directories. (This isnt a total wipe as there are probably lots of little bits left in the registry, but it is as far as I went to get to a "clean" installation). Then reinstall the game from a complete download.   The problem may creep in if you have simply unpdated your revs as you have gone along.
This may be what happened in my case as well since the last complete download I did was the 37 rev.  To get to 40 I used the game's auto update. This was the only time I downloaded anything other than the complete download.  
As for any concrete results of this possible solution I will have to wait.  I simply cannot take three hours a day to download complete reveisions as they come out each day over my dialup connection.  I will wait till AHII actually launches to download that complete revision when it finally arives.

Now the above is only a possible solution.  It is just as likely that there is a new bug in the software.  I just wont be able to test this myself untill I make that miserable download again when the game finally launches.

Good luck all,
« Last Edit: June 11, 2004, 10:16:11 AM by OLtos »

Offline hitech

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Rudder Problems
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2004, 10:28:54 AM »
Typicly there is never a need to reinstall ah if it is running. Just deleting your settings folder is equivlant to a fresh install.

Calibration procedures.

1. Calibrate in windows. CHeck to make sure in the windows test procedure that your controls are calibrated correctly. If you can't get them working correctly in windows it will not work correctly in ah.

2. Go into ah and do a calibration. Check the graph window to see that you are getting proper controll.


Offline Wotan

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Rudder Problems
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2004, 12:18:32 PM »
HT there may be something to what he is saying. But what do I know :p

It took me a bit to get used to the differences in the rudder response in AH2 as compared to AH1.

Through trial and error in adjusting my sliders I noticed that the last 10% or so of the rudder movement jumps rapidly.

Here is a pic to help show what I mean

Look on the right, I have smooth rudder response until I get to this point.

Push any farther and it jumps to the stop.

It does this regardless of the slider settings. Before taking these pics I calibrated in windows and AH. I also checked the response in a couple of other games and I had smooth rudder response.

I have adapted by making sure not to push the rudder to full. But before I discovered this taxing was a pain, as well as in DF's. Slamming the rudder to one side sometimes resulted in my plane flipping on to its back.

CH pro peds here..........

Offline OLtos

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rudder problems
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2004, 11:19:46 PM »
I believe I attempted this already, but I will do so again.  I do know that I did recheck my calibration in windows.

FYI resinallation of ver 37 did not require any recalibration at all.

Well, { a thought just bubbled to the surface } OK, Ill back off a bit on that.  This cyberforce by Saitek does require recalibration.  But, that recalibration is simply a matter of running the joystick to its full stops in each axis each time you plug in the power.  But I ALWAYS do that prior to take off anyway, just in case.  So the stick was recalibrated to Windows.  I believe I also rechecked my AH calibration, but I may have missed it.

Thanks for the input.

Offline OLtos

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SOLUTION Re: Rudder Problems
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2004, 11:00:49 AM »
Deletion and reinstallation of the complete 40 download (the version where I noticed the error), corrected the problem.

1.  Uninstalled the updated 40 version where I was having problems.

2.  Deleted any left over directories

3.  Executed the 4.25 hour download of the complete 40 version.

4.  Reinstalled the 40 version from the complete download.

5. Plugged in my joystick, (Saiteck  Cyberforce 3d),  and ran the controls through to all their stops in each axis.

6. Launched the game, checked the control input in the the joysticke setting screen.
     Rudder input appeared to be normal.

NOTE: I did NOT calibrate the joystick in AHII.  I have never had to do that with this joystick before, so I deliberately left out that step.

7.  launched a plane, (P-38), visually checked the movement of my rudder when held at partial stick throw.  
     Rudder input appeared to be normal and functioning properly.

So, I would say to anyone experiencing odd transient control inputs that appear to make no sense at all,  
Delete the game and reinstall it.  

As for wethere you need to go the point of manually deleing directories, I don't know.  Its just a habit that I have, "Just to make sure".  You may not need to take that step.   Simply removing the settings folder my be all you need to do, as suggested earlier by someone else.

Have Fun, (dangit)