Author Topic: Wow, what skill!!  (Read 108 times)

Offline Downtown

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Wow, what skill!!
« on: October 10, 1999, 07:27:00 AM »
I was flying in the Beta Arena last night.  Us rooks and the Bishops were fighting around F4 and F1.

I was flying a Spit.

I was flying near another Rook, Moss, and we were doing battle with a Bishop Spit when we see a Bishop P-51 Enter the Fray.

Moss and I dispatched the spit, but that tricky bastage     in the P-51 was just to slippery.  Using the BnZ ability of the P-51 with exemplary skill.

Well, me and Moss fought with the P-51 until our fuel situation became critical.

Moss started to return to F4 and the P-51 followed.  I gave Moss a "SiX Call," and He evaded a bounce from the P-51.  As the P-51 was extending he must have seen me.

About this time I ran out of fuel, and my prop stopped.

Well I was flying straigt and level and dropped the flaps while attempting to ditch when bullets ripped my poor Spit to shreads.

In the radio text buffer reads "Kill of Downtown by HiTech"

Wow, man that P-51 driver could fight.

I feel he needs to present himself with a real challenge, by hampering himself with a plane with lesser abilities than the P-51D.

So if you haven't guessed by now, yes I am sucking up in an attempt to get the;


modeled into "Aces High."

I have learned by watching people in my office that repetition and whining are valuable abilities.  I have seen people that the only skill they have is the ability to spend time under the desk of their boss telling them just how great they are. This has gotten the "Suck Ups" pay raises and promotions.

Now, I live in Michigan, so it will be a little difficult to spend time under HTs desk, but I figure a well placed compliment here might have the same effect.

In any case its worth a try.


"I could feel the 20MM Cannon impacting behind me so I made myself small behind the pilot armor" Charlie Bond AVG

[This message has been edited by Downtown (edited 10-10-1999).]