actually, the 262s did have alot of rivets on them, but the majority of the fuse rivets and joints had the tape/filler put over them, but the wings were pretty much standard flush rivets.
Take a look here. a few pics of the bottom wing close up near the engine / gear area. The flash washes alot out, so you gotta look carefully.
but they're there. The top would show them better due to the darkness of the paint. You can eyebal the tops of the engine nacels for that. Again, it's all on how the lighting is. some pics you can see them fine, some you cant.
I would say at least do the top wing rivets, but do them toned down. Just for the view from the cockpit.
Also, I've found that rivets help give a "textured" feel to the wings.....sometimes I even exaggerate them a bit just for looks.