ok, this has been bugging me for the longest time now. i like the 262, but 1 problem. i can never use it since it cost so much. that in and of it self is not the problem. the problem is when i see it jump to a "price" low enough for me to risk my hard earned points on it, it says i dont have enough points/one time it said the 262 was gonna cost me 46 points, i figured since i had at the time about 150 points or so, what the heck, that is low enough not to hurt should i lose the 262. well i went to click it, and (keep in mind at the time, while i was in the hanger it said COST 46 perk points) you do not have enough for this model. i looked at it in disbelief. it was showing that it cost 46 points, and it said i did not have enough points when i had 3x or so what it cost. i asked other players what the deal was. they said refresh the hanger, and sure enough when i came back in the cost jumped 6 fold. i think that the cost it is displaying is what the cost should be, if it rises while in the hanger, it should still cost what the displayed cost is. since while in the hanger you have no idea the cost is rising, then you should pay the price displayed when u first entered the hanger for that particular flight. is that too much to ask, to pay what it said it cost when u first entered the hanger? i think not. sorry for the length, but im PO'ed bout this. need help fixin it.