Originally posted by Hylacon
I had the same thing but annoying. If you go full speed in the M3 (the troop carrying 1) on the road u can almost feel like ur ralleying! And another thing how come the convey trucks aren't affected by hills in egard to speed. Again in my M3 or whateva I was going up the road on a really really steep hill could only just keep the engine turning over in the bottom gear and i look behind me (out the "bomb door") and see a convey of trucks doing like 70Mph up this 60 degree hill!!!!
The convoy is on a timed schedule from where it spawns to where it stops to drop the supply.
So ...
If the spawn point for the convoy is far away from the base, it will speed, in certain instances, faster than your plane can go.
If the spawn point is closer to the base, the speed will be much slower.
It all has to do with distance and time.