I wonder if the introduction of AH2 will see any expansion in events features?
Things I'd like to see:
The ability to "preform" a squad. By that I mean that I; as a squad leader; could pop into the SEA on a day prior to the event and set up the squad all ready for event day without needing at least one other person to send an invite to.
The ability to switch squads with out a relog: not a complex process for most; nonetheless the relog requirement generally leads to hairpulling on race day as there's always a few that just don't get it.
The ability for CM's or CO'sto "lock" radio channels; so no more Ch1 smack talk in an event (could be important in an event where bailers are legitimate targets) or over filled Ch2. May be CM's/CO's can assign channels to squads/wings/sides?
The ability for CM's/CO's to assign skins for squads?
The ability for CM's to assign icon types as a server side setting
Any more? HTC; anythoughts of what AH2 can offer?