Author Topic: 2 micro freezes/stutter that can be recreated offline  (Read 235 times)

Offline TweetyBird

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2 micro freezes/stutter that can be recreated offline
« on: July 03, 2004, 09:37:00 PM »
I've found two instances that I can recreate consistantly offline that causes stutter or a micro freeze.

First is right after loading AH2,  the first burst ( with tracers on or off) will cause a stutter. The second instance it when the plane gets 400 yards behind a drone for the first time. This makes sense, as the view of the target plane definitle changes at the 400 yard point.

Now here's the interesting point. To recreate these two stutters, I have to exit AH AND reboot. Simply exiting and restarting AH2 won't recreate the stutters.

I am pretty convinced the stuttering is being caused by loading graphics ( whether it be muzzle flashes, close plane views or plane skins). Prior to patch5, I believe the game was loading this at startup. With patch5, the game loads much quicker and I think its because the loading of textures is all done in game now.

I also think this is related to the memory leak in the video buffer. I believe the new patch clears the video buffer more and has to reload textures more. I don't know a thing about how the program is handling textures, but I think whatever resolved the mem leak is creating this stuttering.

I have to do some more testing, but the fact that it doesn't seem the stuttering can be recreated without rebooting, seems to point to a directx flaw. I dunno - but all the tweaks I've done haven't seemed to help. Thats the great thing with Microsoft - you have to debug your code AND their components.

Sorry if this sounds naive, but I haven't programmed graphics since the screen was at A0000000 and it was 16 bit code :D
« Last Edit: July 03, 2004, 09:41:56 PM by TweetyBird »