Author Topic: New AH Strat has potential to enable some great fights.  (Read 200 times)

Offline mars01

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New AH Strat has potential to enable some great fights.
« on: July 10, 2004, 01:27:45 PM »
Today I was fighting as a Bish between 1:30 and 2:30, and from what started as a base defence turned into a base capture attempt of our own at the Rook base, A8.

It started out as a decent furball over the ocean and at our base across the pond.  Then someone said A8 Fighter hangers down.  I cringe when I hear that, in fear that the fight is now over, regardless something told me to pushed on to A8.

Thankfully, the rooks kept in the fight and were comming in from A7 to the north.  After a couple fighter sorties over A8, as we swapped scalps with  the rooks, it seemed that the tide was turning in our favor .  I traded my trusty Lgay7 :D for a Hog.  One Drop tank and 8 rockets off our carrier, which was closing in on A8.

As I approached 8 again it was somewhat quiet, barr the one or two rooks engaged, as the lull of dead fighter hangers was setting in.  There were already a contingent of friendlies working over some GVs and the VH, at this point the city was not touched and  I heard over range,  "Goon at the base."  Now in AHI, that city would have been brought down with whatever lead anyone had left in their wings and in most probability the goon would have made it in.  

So another bish, sorry I don't remember his name, and I proceeded to wok the city over lol.  I unloaded my 8 rockets and expended enough lead to still have a decent amount to fight the defence that was to soon arrive.  It was about 6 buildings.  I laugh because it is barely a dent now.  Two guys, one sortie,  have very little affect on a city and thats the way it should be.

So the second wave begins.  In come the Rook fighters and some fun fights ensue for what seemed like the next 15 to 20 mins, while guys were comming in with ord to finish off the city.  Then I hear, "troops out", less than a minute later I hear, "Crap Ack came up and got one."  Perfect timeing I'm thinking to myself since I didn't want the fight to end yet.

After what must have been the next 20 to 40 minutes of rook waves and some decent fights the persistant LVTs, brought their troops ashore successfully and finally made it in.

This fight raged for nearly and hour+ give or take 15 mins.  The numbers were about even.  The defensive waves of rooks were making it back in decent intervals to hinder our operation and there was alot of good action.

If this were the result of the land game more than a horde vulchfest there would be little about the strat game to complain about, thus far :D.  I think the larger bases, the tougher fields and current fuel pork situation is working towards the possibility of this kind of battle becomming the norm.  Fingers crossed.

WTG Bish and Rooks was a great battle with some fun fights
« Last Edit: July 10, 2004, 01:33:43 PM by mars01 »