Author Topic: Superfly I've got a Question...  (Read 651 times)

Offline Cobra412

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Superfly I've got a Question...
« on: July 07, 2004, 01:34:22 AM »
Hello Sir I'd like to ask a question in regards to aluminum based skins.  I know I've read in the past HTs opinion on the blueish tints that seem to overwhelm aluminum based skins.  I'd like to ask your opinion on a particular skin I'm working on.  I don't want to press too far until I can get a decent idea on what is acceptable by HTs standards on this subject.

I'm using a book that explains the basic process of P-51D manufacturing.  It states that the wings themselves were painted a yellow chromate then painted a gloss silver over the top.  It doesn't specifically state how the main fuselage is done but I'm going ot assume it's left in a natural state like the ailerons and flaps.  Considering the photos I've seen alot of them have a hint of blue especially in direct sunlight.  

I know I need to work the gradient issue (Particularly on the gear doors, aft wing and induction scoop)on this particular skin but the over all color from the front to almost 3/4s of the way down the wing is what I'm looking at.  The fuselage is being left a lighter hint of blue compared to the wings due to what I know of the manufacturing process.  Here's a test photo I've taken while flying offline.  Thanks in advance for your help.