Author Topic: flight career high point  (Read 113 times)

Offline bojc

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flight career high point
« on: November 24, 2000, 02:45:00 PM »
Ok heres's the story: yesterday after a big Thanksgiving dinner, I and a couple of dinner guests sneak away to the puter so I can show them Aces High.
After a quick tour and showing them some different plane types, I grab a b26 and head to 13 to show em a bomb run.

At about 8k we spot enemy 3 spits in
formation off to the right that peel off toward us. As I see them avoid the direct low six I know they're vets and I'm in trouble, as in dead meat. They come in line astern formation from high six. At d800 I open up on the first with the top turret and watch his wings fold up and a fireball, I hop to the tail and nail the second at d400 and put some rounds into the third as he slips by to the right and to my amazement I finish him with the right waist gun.

 Not just a three kill run but 3 kills in the same attack milliseconds apart.

 Between the three of them they took out my engines and many spare parts departed, and soon after trying to fly the injured bird home she falls into a spin and  hit the silk.

My friends were totally amazed and sold on the game wanting to know where to dl it.

Fer bojc and Major HJ it's just another run.
War is hell but somebody got to do it.


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flight career high point
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2000, 04:11:00 PM »
Very cool!

Hope ya work on commission



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flight career high point
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2000, 05:58:00 AM »
Nice shootin!!!