Author Topic: Realism? Where did they go?  (Read 7136 times)

Offline lazs1

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2001, 08:11:00 AM »
"Seems like a good idea. Might attract some early war fans for a, lazs?"

Well yeah.... but we got no early war planes and adding a hurri to the current set isn't gonna do it for me.   With "realistic" planesets that means an f4f would be useless for a while too...  

I agree that it is nice to have another arena... More choice is allways better it's just that it only works in theory.  There can be only one kinda thing.  The MA will allways offer the most parity, choice and variety.  The HA will allways piss off half the people or more that are in it (or would go into it).  "I'm not flying a Spit 5 against 190's with 2/1 odds" kinda thing...  Or, "I can't fly my  (fill in blank) so I'm gonna skip the HA till it comes around).   The numbers will be off balance the planesets will be uneven etc...

funked pointed it out... for an HA you need to have the 190 more common than the inferior Spit9.... The HA is all about seal clubbing.

RPS is interesting.   rolling perk set is anal.   The good thing is if early war planes are added to the CA/HA all euro all the time arena then we will get em in the MA perhaps we will even get a modified RPS with a couple of days at the begginning of the tour for early war planes...  Better we get an "area" arena but I doubt that will happen..

right now people are being nicey nice.. "oh, it didn't bother me that we were outnumbered 2/1 and had to fly bi wings against 190's  it just felt sooo historical!".   Soon it will be "this isn't fun or fair".

To sum it up... If any arena has to get hurt I hope it's the ca/ha.


Offline Westy MOL

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2001, 08:11:00 AM »
Ramjet, how do you mean? In what ways?

lol Mark, I was really watching my points to see when I could ask the Wing Commander for a Spitfire MK IX last night. Made it halfway when I realised I'd been flking too long and needed to quit to get sleep.  :)

 Ditto Popeye! Even better for me was asking my crew captain to exchang all my tracers for regular roiunds. With no tracers I found it easier to land hits as the enemy plane did not evade as hard (as when they see tracers wizzingin by). I re-learned that one the hard way from Fester.


Offline -ammo-

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2001, 09:01:00 AM »
RJ, hope ya come over. Will be good to see ya in an arena again :)  "ammomn"
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Offline SKurj

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2001, 01:50:00 PM »
Hmm Lazs... I spent several hours in the CT last night.  I flew 109's, took me 3 hrs to get my 1st kill, followed by my last within about 2 minutes.  The rest of the time... I was gettin slapped hard.. 4-5 hrs in the CT, 2 kills 3 assists, and about 12 deaths.

At the moment, the players in the CT are some of the best sticks in the game.  Its not the aircraft doing the clubbin, its the guys behind the sticks.


Offline lazs1

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2001, 06:54:00 PM »
possibly skurj but i've heard that tired old jingle before...  "we in the HA are the elite.. the best sticks in the game".   I never believed it and still don't.   I allways did about the same or better in the HA as in the MA.   I have seen the best sticks in the game be in the MA and a bunch of buffoons in the HA... it really is no difference.  

 I believe that the more fites you get into the better at fites you get...  the more varied and bigger the fites the more experiance you get.   The more spread out and unvaried the planeset the better you get at judging E states.    

When we get early war planes I may go in there during the early war rps and prove what I've said.   If you do worse in the HA then you aren't really fighting in the MA.

Offline SKurj

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2001, 01:30:00 PM »
If you do worse in the HA then you aren't really fighting in the MA.

errmm what is that supposed to mean?


Offline DeeZCamp

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2001, 02:32:00 PM »
Quick summary of Laz....

mindless furballing dork

 :)  :rolleyes:

Offline dawvgriid

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2001, 02:44:00 PM »
At the moment, the players in the CT are some of the best sticks in the game. Its not the aircraft doing the clubbin, its the guys behind the sticks.

Oh thank you very much,,,,a bit over the goal,,but thank you<bowing>  :D

Offline streakeagle

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2001, 10:38:00 PM »
Just had my first day of being a paid subscriber and spent all my time in the CT.
Can it get better? Yes, but I am very happy with results. I did a little of everything:
Flew both 109F4 and Spitfire MkV.
Lone fighter sweeps across the channel into swarms of enemy fighters (after all the time I spent in h2h, 5 to 10 fighters seem like a swarm).
Full fledged bomber mission where I flew in formation and dropped on command from the mission leader.

I just hope more people find it as fun as I do so it doesn't go away. I would love to see a 24 plane B-17 formation at 20000 feet with 12 or so fighter escorts at 30000 feet engaged by a horde of the LW's best.

If the CT goes away, I will try the main arena, but I suspect I will end up back in hth and have to settle for 4vs4 for good historical matchups.
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Offline ET

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2001, 10:52:00 PM »
I like both the new scenerios but until you can capture bases and improve your country's position,it is just a giant furball to me.I'd like to see the channel map in the MA once with only two country's involved.

Offline jedi

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2001, 08:44:00 AM »
It appears (to a casual observer)   ;) that in AH, "most" of the guys aren't really that concerned with creating any sort of "historical match up" system as the "main" emphasis of the sim.  So the CT fans (just couldn't call it the HA, now couldja?) are going to have a harder time generating critical mass.

Well, it took a few YEARS, but "over there," the trick to HA popularity is to create "informal events."  Set up a loose "scenario," i.e. Battle of Britain Night, and then see if you can get one or two squads interested.  Usually a B-17/P-51/P-47 vs 190/109 bombing mission is a popular setup.  Everyone comes in for a couple of hours, has fun, and then goes back to the Mayhem Arena.

If a couple guys kinda take informal "command" of the idea, you can figure out which setups are the most popular, and run different ones several times weekly.

Better than chewing your fingernails about having them "replace" your MA with the HA (yeah, right) and sniping at each other all the time, anyway...

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: jedi ]

Offline Westy MOL

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2001, 09:08:00 AM »
You are 100% correct Jedi.  

 In AH the doers are not neatly enough. There are not as many as there is (or was) in AW and definately not as many as are in WB's.

 More AH folks need to step to the plate and give it a whirl. Those who have the time I mean. There are some, such as I, who would love to get more involved -directly- but rl obligations prohibit that.


Offline Nifty

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2001, 09:13:00 AM »
Originally posted by jedi:
Better than chewing your fingernails about having them "replace" your MA with the HA (yeah, right) and sniping at each other all the time, anyway...

Sniping at each other is what they enjoy.  They'd do it even if they had nothing to bicker about.  They'd invent something!
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline lazs1

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2001, 09:37:00 AM »
deez... "mindless furballer" coming from you is a joke.   I watched you furball and you simply are.... mindless.   Not only that but you cry like a baby on channel one the whole time.  Plus...  I asked you why u were doing it sence you had  so very little talent at it and you said it was to prove how dumb it was.   for me and all the guys who killed you it simply proved how dumb you were.

jedi.. I agree.  I have said in the past that to have any kind of historical matchups or scenarios in the HA you need to have leaders and people taking orders.... I get plenty of that (including the boredom) at work.

Offline AKSWulfe

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Realism? Where did they go?
« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2001, 09:40:00 AM »
Yeah.. furballing is so mindless that anyone can do it!!!