It appears (to a casual observer)

that in AH, "most" of the guys aren't really that concerned with creating any sort of "historical match up" system as the "main" emphasis of the sim. So the CT fans (just couldn't call it the HA, now couldja?) are going to have a harder time generating critical mass.
Well, it took a few YEARS, but "over there," the trick to HA popularity is to create "informal events." Set up a loose "scenario," i.e. Battle of Britain Night, and then see if you can get one or two squads interested. Usually a B-17/P-51/P-47 vs 190/109 bombing mission is a popular setup. Everyone comes in for a couple of hours, has fun, and then goes back to the Mayhem Arena.
If a couple guys kinda take informal "command" of the idea, you can figure out which setups are the most popular, and run different ones several times weekly.
Better than chewing your fingernails about having them "replace" your MA with the HA (yeah, right) and sniping at each other all the time, anyway...
[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: jedi ]