Cyrano and Vulcan, I see your points and I don't dispute them. I've seen the same things you have.
But, let's talk about taking off and landing. Are you trying to tell me that the ridiculously easy take offs and landings in AH are realistic? Or that they are done better than WW2OL?
I just don't buy it. When I take off in WW2OL, I have to use judicious inputs of the throttle and the rudder to get a smooth takeoff. Are you claiming that the "Firewall it and forget it" way in AH2 is more realistic?
And then there's landings. In AH2, it's very difficult to scrub off speed as you come in to land, whereas in WW2Ol, if you reduce throttle and increase to max RPM's, that helps slow you down and allows you to deploy flaps & gear without having to perform flat turns to scrub off speed, as I always seem to have to do in AH.
And what about the sensation of speed when down low? Surely you don't claim that AH does a better job than WW2OL in this regard?