Author Topic: Changing Countries  (Read 1484 times)

Offline Morpheus

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Changing Countries
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2004, 09:35:00 AM »
Originally posted by jaxxo
If this is a troll..nicely done. If not than you are a prime example of why I would pay 30 dollars a month to rid the arena of your "kind"
Man....I love switching teams. I do, I really do. You know it can get pretty damn boring when all you see is a bunch of red dots over all your bases. I let the permanent "loyal" players defend. I find it's now what I pay for. In fact, if a field I was defending is starting to get over run, I'll switch to the other side and help them. I don't enjoy dieing, it sucks. Why should I bust my chops trying to fend off attackers when I can just switch and enjoy a victory? This isn't to say I won't stick around and try. Well mostly when I'm a Knight cause, well, I like the Knights best. If I see an enemy field right next to a factory, I'll switch so I can bomb it. I play to have fun, so anyone that would like to criticize me on that is welcome. I have fun, I switch teams, I pay 15 dollars so I don't care what you think . If I feel like flying a spit, I will. If I feel like a furball and can't find one, I'll switch. If I want some easy kills or I want to vulch, I'll switch if I can find something like that.

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Offline ghostdancer

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Changing Countries
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2004, 09:40:23 AM »
I agree with Jaxxo on this one .. nicely done troll. If not well .. interesting point of view.

Alot of times I actually find I enjoy a well run defense more fun. Its the whole Alamo thing .. you know the few holding off and sticking it to the attackers.

Which is whey the Alamo, Thermopylae and the 300 Spartans, Battle of Britain, Midway, Bataan and others are really remembered or more remembered in popular culture, literature, mythology, etc.

I find it gets the blood pumping to hold by your finger nails and  and beat back the enemy. It is fun to be on the offensive, don't get me wrong ... but what I remember are the times on the defensive .. stopping the other sides drive cold. Even when we don't its usually those types of ops that yield the most memories .. i.e. having 4 buddies scream in in P47s or F4Us and do firing passes to try to break things up and then get all entangled in setting up defensive screens, etc.

Offense is fun but defense is fun too just in a different sort of way.
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Offline xBarrelx

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« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2004, 09:54:57 AM »
Hey I do recall saying that I will stick around to defend. Probably more than I do switching to help the other side. I find it very fulfilling to oppose a bunch of attackers and turn the battle around. I lost my 262 yesterday trying to do just that :). And, like I said before, if you don't like it, bite me. Or go whine to HTC. Hell the furballers got what they whined about. Maybe if you whine enough the same stupid stuff will occur. The fact is I pay my own bill, if you would like to pay it, I will gladly stick to one country. I play to have fun. I don't know about anyone else but I play to have fun. Why should I not have fun by getting over run by hordes all over the place. Up an ostie to be bombed half a dozen times before I can position myself on a field. Or up a plane to be surrounded by 10 guys. I don't find that fun. And if that's all I see all over the map, then I'll switch countries, and fight somewhere else.

Offline jaxxo

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« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2004, 10:03:37 AM »
Get that hook outta  my lip morph! this barrell guy is good. Is that your handle.."barrell" ?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2004, 11:50:24 AM by jaxxo »

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2004, 04:02:34 PM »
Originally posted by xBarrelx
Man....I love switching teams. I do, I really do. You know it can get pretty damn boring when all you see is a bunch of red dots over all your bases. I let the permanent "loyal" players defend. I find it's now what I pay for. In fact, if a field I was defending is starting to get over run, I'll switch to the other side and help them. I don't enjoy dieing, it sucks. Why should I bust my chops trying to fend off attackers when I can just switch and enjoy a victory? This isn't to say I won't stick around and try. Well mostly when I'm a Knight cause, well, I like the Knights best. If I see an enemy field right next to a factory, I'll switch so I can bomb it. I play to have fun, so anyone that would like to criticize me on that is welcome. I have fun, I switch teams, I pay 15 dollars so I don't care what you think :). If I feel like flying a spit, I will. If I feel like a furball and can't find one, I'll switch. If I want some easy kills or I want to vulch, I'll switch if I can find something like that.

Bite me :D

And there it is boyz...We have a BINGO!
Case in Point.
As i said above.
I think we might be seeing a "Security in Numbers" thing playing out. Imagine if you were a New Player to AH2 these days and you join up with the Bish or Knights at first logon. After a few weeks you are getting you butt pummeled for a couple of reasons. First you may be (New to AH2 Flight Model or even MA style Simming)
Secondly (your country is out numbered by the other 2 countries by 50 70 EVEN nearly 100 layers in some cases.) It soon becomes obvious that IF you are going to learn to play this game? It would be a lot more fun learning if you did it knowing you had 4 or 5 buddies nearby at all times to help you if you get you tit in the wringer. Couple this with other factors. Perk Points for kills, (While you might get fewer points per kill. You will get kills galore.) Endless Vulching sessions, Getting your name in lights for a change, via the system “Kills Landed” message) Makes tons of sense for the newbie and unfortunately for some Ego seekers.

Originally posted by jaxxo
If this is a troll..nicely done. If not than you are a prime example of why I would pay 30 dollars a month to rid the arena of your "kind"

If it would work Jax i would be right there too. But i doubt that $30 would change much of anything. $30dollars just isnt much money in the broad spectrum of our world today. It is to me!!! But not to the average. Heck...Id bet parants pay much more for their kids to play other games and such.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2004, 04:08:30 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline Murdr

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« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2004, 07:15:10 PM »
How about if the country you try to switch to has 30+ more pilots currently online than one of the other countries you get:
System: This country does not need new pilots at this time.

Offline Canaris

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« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2004, 07:19:41 PM »
I hate it when people go with a country with no people to one with the most.

Been seeing alot of people go from knights usually outnumbered 2 to 1 and rarely have numbers to the rooks who have numbers most of the time outnumbering the other countries 2 to 1.


Offline Jasta

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« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2004, 08:03:47 PM »
All I know is the green team sucks...

There always seems to be twice as many reds as there are greens, and its annoying.

Offline xBarrelx

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« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2004, 09:40:14 PM »
Originally posted by jaxxo
Get that hook outta  my lip morph! this barrell guy is good. Is that your handle.."barrell" ?

My handle is what is listed below all of my posts, TheTitan. My handle previously was Barrel.