Author Topic: God this game gets repetitive.  (Read 3928 times)

Offline Overlag

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God this game gets repetitive.
« Reply #75 on: July 20, 2004, 05:41:55 PM »
Originally posted by J_A_B
Want to make it look like there's more variety?   Change the ICONs to show sub-type.   Remember---you see a lot of spits, it's true, but if you see 5 spits, there's probably 3 different models in there!


true that....

although i think the that the icons should be changed somehow, so 4-6k it just shows if its friendly or foe, 2-4k it shows type of plane, 0-2k it shows class....or something along those lines
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline beet1e

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« Reply #76 on: July 20, 2004, 06:43:15 PM »
Originally posted by AKFokerFoder+
The LA7 is very nimble, brutal acceleration, good guns package and great views..

The Pony is quite maneuverable, great guns package, lots of fuel, lots of jabo capabilities, fast... just an all around great ride.

With rides like that, why choose anything else???
Your honesty is appreciated, and I'm sure you speak for about 90% of the community. How do I arrive at that 90%? I once went through every score in the top 100 for one particular tour. Only 9 out of 100 guys made the top 100 without flying P51/LA7/Spit ix.  But the other stats data bears out the story too.

A good point is made in AKFF's post. It just goes to show that most players don't seek WW2 immersion. They just want best the plane for the job. "Crutchplane" was the term someone once used. :lol I think it was OIO.

I still don't understand why these guys fly a WW2 sim, when there are games like Quake and Doom out there.

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #77 on: July 20, 2004, 06:55:49 PM »
JAB, you are no fun to argue with.  You need to use more anger faces (like this :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ), and less smiley faces.  Smiley faces in an argument are crap!  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (<---- see.. mad faces).  

Yea, you are right and I exagerated.  Still does get tedious though.. I think without exageration at least 60-70% of the planes I see say "Spit/Nik/La7/P51".  

AKFF... I thought I had 100 odd kills in the Niki last tour, but maybe that was the tour before.  I usually get fed up and fly the Nik/Spit instead of the 190 at least one day a tour.

This tour I've been flying the 109 instead, which is a much better ride in the MA, so I haven't bothered.  The Spit IX stuff is all ground attack stuff vs tanks, with airplane kills thrown in if one flew over and bounced me.  Tried the La-7 vs tanks, it didn't work out to well.

Offline GODO

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« Reply #78 on: July 20, 2004, 07:20:22 PM »
BTW, the usage ratio of planes has been similar in the last years, actually I'm only surprised by the P38L.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #79 on: July 20, 2004, 07:34:08 PM »
Ok, I'll try to do better.  How's this?

T3H MA 1s T3H 3Uck!  Urch1n 1s Teh L337 pile-it!   He make ME  MAD  :o :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!   He shoot down my p1mp3d 0ut p0ny too mucho!!!   CHEATER!!!!!!!!    Hack3r!!!!!!

:mad:  OMG!!!!   I'M GONNA QUIT!!!!!    :mad:


Offline SLO

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« Reply #80 on: July 20, 2004, 07:53:39 PM »
now u belong JAB:aok

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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« Reply #81 on: July 20, 2004, 08:05:24 PM »

... I usually get fed up and fly the Nik/Spit instead of the 190 at least one day a tour.

Feel the power of the Dark Side!!!!

Join me and we can rule the Universe!!!!

er... ah... well looking at your kill stats I'd say that you could rule the Universe by yourself. :D

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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« Reply #82 on: July 20, 2004, 08:18:27 PM »

A good point is made in AKFF's post. It just goes to show that most players don't seek WW2 immersion.

Well I can't speak for anyone else, but that shoe does fit me .  :)

What I seek is to have fun in a competative on-line flight sim.
And while AH2 is a pretty tough game to learn, and often
frustrating, it sure can be a lot of fun :aok
The genre I perfer is WW1, wind in the wires, your scarf flapping in the wind, the smell of a burning Fokker or Phalz. The roar of a Hispano-Suiza, fire spitting out of my twin Vikkers...

Darn, the Nurse says it's time for my medication, C U :(

Offline xBarrelx

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« Reply #83 on: July 20, 2004, 09:20:43 PM »
I totally agree with fighting in what you're most capable in, but the 190d9 just plain pisses me off most of the time. The damn thing is just too fast. I can't count how many times a 190 has run away from my pony, or caught it. I prefer the catching cause then I can fight it but most of the time if I get on it's 6 it won't try and shake me it'll just run. I can't find a plane that can keep up with it. Maybe it's just me but I can never catch those damn d9s.

Offline Simaril

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« Reply #84 on: July 20, 2004, 09:42:27 PM »
You guys just don't get it.

Hate seeing all those La-7s, ponies, Nikis, and Spit IX’s?  Tired of watching unaggressive dweebs run, or unskilled spit pilots drop from high altitudes onto your 6?
Who isn’t?

There’s a very good reason there are so many in the MA, though. It takes a surprising amount of skill to move past these mounts. When I first started AH, I couldn’t stay alive in the Yak I wanted to learn. After a while, I tried the spit with the same results. By my third month, I could do OK in the Pony and the La-7, but it was only after I passed the median – about 1500 fighter rank out of the 3000 or so who get ranks every month – that I successfully moved to a “real” plane. My KPD in the Dora is now somewhat better than the average for that plane, and I’m getting better bit by bit.

Until I reached that point, I couldn’t leave the despised quartet without being a flaming chunk of aluminum. I really believe that’s the main reason we see those dweeb planes so much – people just want to play, and their skills haven’t progressed to the point that other planes are feasible. And, if my experience is typical, it takes passing the midline to get past the quartet. That means that about half the players in the main arena are gonna feel bound to the easy planes.

So how best to deal with the situation? Seems obvious for me.

When we see players with ranks above 1500, we ought to take them under our “wings.” Give your lower ranked squaddies a tip each day. Tell them about that reversal, or explain energy concepts. Give them recorded flights. When  a newbie question pops up on 200, don’t mock the guy – answer the question, and private channel an offer to meet in the TA for a half hour. You can’t rely on the BBS, or the help files, or the training corps. Realistically, those resources will only be used for by a few – and bottom line is that their valiant efforts have still left half the MA pilots below the vets’ desired standard.

It may sound like a bit of a hassle, but remember the payoff – FEWER DWEEB PLANES. This is for you, oft complaining vets. Rolling planesets aren’t gonna happen, and you wont see the easy planes perked in you lifetime. The best way to see them gone is to care enough to teach, teach, teach.

You can complain about the status quo, or you can make a difference. So what are you going to do?
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Offline xBarrelx

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« Reply #85 on: July 20, 2004, 09:54:25 PM »
You can complain about the status quo, or you can make a difference. So what are you going to do?

Complain:D..................No, you're absolutely right, but a lot of experienced pilots fly the dora. That honestly is the only plane I don't like, I just can't stand cowardice. I've seen people handle the plane very well and use it's speed to fight instead of run. But most of the time it's just run run run run. But then the frustration goes away and I look for a different victim. So in the end, I guess I really don't care, I'll shoot you down anyway. I especially like the spit dweebs though. Spits are so soft.....doesn't take to much to pop that wing off. That's what I love about em. :)

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #86 on: July 21, 2004, 04:18:13 AM »
AKFF - Again, for your honesty. It's impossible to argue against such an honest opinion! I've seen a lot of guys in this game say one thing and do another, but you're not one of them.

Simaril, yours was another good answer.
Originally posted by Simaril
I couldn’t leave the despised quartet without being a flaming chunk of aluminum. I really believe that’s the main reason we see those dweeb planes so much – people just want to play, and their skills haven’t progressed to the point that other planes are feasible.  
I think a lot of people are just lazy or don't care about WW2 immersion. I would get no satisfaction from racking up kills in a P51, for example. BTDT. So I deliberately avoid the Big3, even the Big5. I've had no training in AH and precious little in WB where I came from. The trainers' hours were in the middle of my night, so no-go. (Important footnote to that -  there was a trainer called ==sd== who bent over backwards to help me when the gunnery changed)  So I learned by dying a lot and observing what had gone wrong. I'm not the most ambitious fighter pilot (rate myself 6/10 on that) but at least I had the desire to make things work without resorting to an easymode crutchplane™.

Offline Simaril

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« Reply #87 on: July 21, 2004, 06:40:21 AM »
How much dedication are we gonna require from newbies? I know the fire in the belly thing will carry me to continued improvement, especially now that I've gotten some satisfaction in other planes.

But are we realy saying that because we did it htrough "guts and hard work" that we should demand that from everyone who's gonna stay? Because if so, programming is gonna remain slow, it'll take weeks instead of days to work bugs out, maps will continue to be converted very slowly, and we'l continue to have to wait months and months for new plane models.

I don't want to see 20,000 people in the MA either, but remember that subscribers=resources=better product.

Imagine what the experience would be like if there were 2 or 3 main arena maps going at once, with 400 in each -- and we get to pick which one strikes out fancy. Imagine that one MA had a chronologically based rolling planeset. Imagine a CT or TOD that had large numbers of experienced palyers in at a time.

If we remain passive about bringing newbies along, if we expect them to come up with the questions, or come out and ask us to help, those things will never happen.

They could if we become proactive.
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« Reply #88 on: July 21, 2004, 08:12:24 AM »
Originally posted by Arlo

(Back to devising a cunning plan to steal more players for the CT)

Didnt feel like dealing with 4 on 1 gangbanging from Hordes attacking knights last night  so I
gave the CT a try last night.
Numbers were 12 bish and 9 knights.
including myself of the 9 knights there were never more then 3-4 knights airborn at any given time. And more often 3 then 4. Seems all the bish were airborn though, Hovering at 5-7K  and just outside of feild ack range and promptly swarmed anything that upped which ended up resulting in the same 4 on 1 that I just tred to escape by going there

If thats the way the CT usually is you can keep it.
I can get gangbanged in the MA and at least I'll get to see the names of different people killing me.

Ben to the CT about 7 times. Of those 7, 6 of the times it was lke I just discribed.

Now maybe it was just my bad timing and its not normallylike this but it impresses me as being
 a MA in minniature.
Same horde and gangbang mentality. Just with less people.:(
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Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #89 on: July 21, 2004, 08:32:49 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Didnt feel like dealing with 4 on 1 gangbanging from Hordes attacking knights last night  so I
gave the CT a try last night.
Numbers were 12 bish and 9 knights.
including myself of the 9 knights there were never more then 3-4 knights airborn at any given time. And more often 3 then 4. Seems all the bish were airborn though, Hovering at 5-7K  and just outside of feild ack range and promptly swarmed anything that upped which ended up resulting in the same 4 on 1 that I just tred to escape by going there

If thats the way the CT usually is you can keep it.
I can get gangbanged in the MA and at least I'll get to see the names of different people killing me.

Ben to the CT about 7 times. Of those 7, 6 of the times it was lke I just discribed.

Now maybe it was just my bad timing and its not normallylike this but it impresses me as being
 a MA in minniature.
Same horde and gangbang mentality. Just with less people.:(

It really swings both ways in the CT.  When I logged on it was as you described, then things evened out.  There were many times that I saw a dozen high zeros to half a dozen low wildcats that were clearly in harm's way.  

This set up has had just about the most unballanced numbers that I have seen in the CT.  When they get even though, the Japs have the upper hand.
