Crumpp, you have had your share threads degenerate because of you, ie. the LW destroyed thread for one.
Stop calling the other kettle black. Yes you have had your share of some of that 1/4 in this thread.
Tell Barbi to stop making his slanderous posts and then I won't have to comment.
See the 1st line in his first post in this thread. If he had conducted himself in a civil manner from the start(Onwar), all would be fine.
He is not just adversarial with just me or have you not noticed?
Now it is nice to see some intelligence shown in the 2 posts on WW2 a/c. Time will tell if what he says is a snow job, or he can live up to.
Something for you to file away. The P-51 pilot was not to use trim to pull out of a high speed dive. He was to gently pull back on the stick.