Author Topic: AH is now for fighters only!?!?!  (Read 338 times)

Offline tachel

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« on: June 07, 2001, 11:45:00 PM »
I've got something stuck in my craw right now, and I need to speak up.  AH "used" to be a sim for all players.  You could fly a fighter, a bomber or be a ground pounder in a GV, "could" is the key word here!

With the introduction of 1.07, a definite and sad trend as surfaced...  The game is for fighter pilots only now.  If you are NOT a fighter pilot, prepare to meet your doom rather quickly has their complaints and whining have turned this game into a BUFF & GV target practice arena for fighter pilots...

Buffs used to at least have half a chance to make it to target, not solo but at least in groups.  Since the introduction of 1.07, my unit has often launched 10+ B-17s and if any of us make it to target it's a bloody miracle.  Even the mighty B-17 now falls apart at the slightest ping.  And I won't even get started on gun accuracy...  If a fighter comes in level on a buff's 6 o'clock and is surprised he dies, he should join the infantry.  Real B-17s were maybe a bit fragile, but we don't have 800 buff jocks to form a big raid here!

Now, let's talk about GVs, the term GV "used" to mean at least a modicum of armour and endurance...  A brat with a slingshot can now detrack a panzer IV or an Osti with a single shot!  I've heard comments in the MA that foul language is now sometimes sufficient to throw a track!  Why even leave the VH??

And have you fired an Osti's gun lately??  Try aiming at a con GV, even at close range, "IF" you get more than 2-3 pings per 20 rounds fired, you're VERY lucky!  I guess HTC thought it would be funny to change the solid steel gun mounts with rubber pucks!?!?!  The thing sprays all over the place.  If the real thing fired like that, the designer would have been shot on the spot!

So, here we are back to square one...  Has AH become a fighter pilots paradise where buff pilots and GV drivers are merely a funny diversion?  If that is the case...  I'd like to know, because I started this account to play AH, this isn't the AH I registered for!  :mad:

Offline Swoop

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2001, 11:53:00 PM »
It's the wings.

It's too easy to hit the wings, on anything.  I regularly shoot peoples wings off in HOs, how is that possible?   Does AH use a 'hit bubble'?  If it does, it's too big.

Same can be said for GV tracks.  Well yeah ok, but HTC if you're gonna make us lose tracks every 10 minutes ya gotta also give us the ability to do battlefield repairs........or at least let us abandon the vehicle with a rifle and go take pot shots at planes taking off.


[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Swoop ]

Offline Hangtime

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2001, 12:02:00 AM »
Hmmmmmmmmm... with radar and swarms of defending fighters; yer right.. a buff group's gonna be slaughtered... just like the early 1943 8th AF strikes were.

However.. if yah get cagey.. and send a small fighter and sapper jabo sweep well ahead of your buffs to kill the local enemy dar and pull defenders low, yer buffs will get on the target. Escorts fer yer buffs will improve their odds if they are competent and positioned correctly.

But yer right.. the days of the 'lets get 10 buffs and go hit HQ' are over... not necessarily because of any significant change in the tools.. but because the awareness and competence of the adversary is greatly improved from days gone by. Good buff missions are still quite do-able.. they just require a higher level of planning and organization IMHO.


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Offline Betown

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2001, 01:26:00 AM »
Hangtime, I really don't like flying fighters in the main arena. I hesitate to even all it the main arena any more because it is more like "Quake V1.07" than AH. All you get all the time is constant furballing gangbanging. There is no strat any more at all. Without a strat element we are going to loose customers. They are all going to go over to WW2OL.

Bombers cannot realisticly fly in the main arena. I would not mind hearing what Zygote or Revvin have to say on this matter because I know they both fly bombers a lot. At the moment. I can't even get a tiffy into a base without 1000000 shrecking uber nikis spawining with there friggin photon torpedo launchers and impulse drives and climbing 4000ft from take off, managing to outrun me in a tiffy and blow my bellybutton of.


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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2001, 02:26:00 AM »
Actually Betown you should know our Nikis gave up on impulse drive since the end of block 1.03 production. They now use the new ultra mega hyperwarp quantum drive, which is of course, much more powerful. This new drive was indroduced on the first block 1.04 airframes,  BS No.3463UFO and BS No.3467UFO.
And subsequently went on to prodigious service in the great war due to its increased realistic performance.

Anyway I hope in the future that you read up a bit before posting on the Niki, it will save you embarassing moments of ignorance as you showed in your post...   :D

BTW To be safe and prepared.

 :) Lighten up (_____) it was just a joke!  :)


Offline Maxopti1

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2001, 04:28:00 AM »
huh!  :eek:

I thought about be the solo to have had this impression.  :D

nice post tach. WTG!


P.S.just for curiosity..... when is the last time that do you have flown in a fighter and do you have entered in a screw after the stall?

Offline Sandman

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2001, 05:43:00 AM »
Originally posted by tachel:
And have you fired an Osti's gun lately??  Try aiming at a con GV, even at close range, "IF" you get more than 2-3 pings per 20 rounds fired, you're VERY lucky!  I guess HTC thought it would be funny to change the solid steel gun mounts with rubber pucks!?!?!  The thing sprays all over the place.  If the real thing fired like that, the designer would have been shot on the spot!

I noticed that earlier and didn't give it much thought, but is it correct to spray the way it does? Aim it at a ground target, you'll see it spray. It fires within a large grouping and at long range your chances of hitting are poor even if you are dead-on aimed at a non-maneuvering attacker.


Offline kfsone

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2001, 06:06:00 AM »
*shrug* I still do reasonably OK flying bombers, but then I tend to fly high. Anything below 19k and I'm guaranteed not to make it far outside my home range unless I get a first-timer who is aiming for 250 before firing. It's annoying as hell that even when you can see the enemy plane burning with bits dropping off all over the place, that they still continue to hose you and in a lot of cases you get taken down as well even after you've done lethal damage to them.

So I fly Lancs at 20-22k, and get called a UFO, which obviously means 'undweebable flying object' because they have to use a second neuron to attack it.


Offline Mark Luper

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2001, 06:22:00 AM »
I used to fly bombers almost exclusively while in WB, made a transition to fighters here in AH. I still fly the occasional buff. I like flying with at least one other buff but have flown quite a few sorties solo.

Since the begining I have always beleived altitude was the only real weapon I had to make it to target and back so like Kfsone I too only fly above 20k. I set my ceiling at 25k which still gives a fighter a chance and I have a bit more time to fight back with the buff's guns.

A well coordinated attack by a couple of fighters will do me in tho. This hasn't changed, from my perspective, since the begining of this sim.

As far as GV's go though, I never was any good at them, spend very little time in them so cannot make an intelligent observation.


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Offline AKSWulfe

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2001, 07:55:00 AM »
You all are a bunch of pudz... the strat is there.. what else do you want?

You expect HTC do make the dinner, tell you"Hey, dinner's ready...", and then proceed to complain that they did not bring it to your face, jam your head into the plate and force feed you?

This is one of the stupidest complaints ever.

Offline Ghosth

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2001, 07:59:00 AM »
Sounds like I'm the exception here. While I don't fly the lanc as often as I used too. I still take it up now & then. Most of my runs start at 9 or 10k, over target.

Trick is to be VERY careful chooseing your target, and bring a couple of friendly's with you if at all possible.

Offline Ghosth

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2001, 08:01:00 AM »
Ooops, kfs your right, dispersion on the 37mm Osty is WAY too much in my opinion.

Moving I can see some excuse for it, but a parked osty should be a relitively stable platform. As it is you can't get any 2 rounds even close to each other downrange.

Play balanceing??????

Offline sling322

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2001, 08:30:00 AM » only took 4 posts to get a Niki whine worked into this thread.

Offline AKSWulfe

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2001, 08:34:00 AM »
13 posts to tell Phattee to go seek weight watchers and mental help... I caught him loitering around and leering at Gordo again last night...

Offline StSanta

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AH is now for fighters only!?!?!
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2001, 08:57:00 AM »
Bombers are tough enough as they are. Having said that, they shouldn't go somewhere without fighter cap.

I fly JU-88 only when it comes to buffs. I know TOO WELL what it is like to be a target   :).

HTC upped the buff guns to make 'um more survivable. That's fine with me. if buff crews think the MA is getting too hard to survive in, mayhap they should try either doing some JU88 10k strikes or fly some of the mid war fighters; it'd really help change ones perceptions   :).

[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: StSanta ]