All CT Staff Responsibilities 1. Posting theatre setups every Monday prior to their shift in the CT staff forum.
2. Posting theatre setups every Wednesday in the CT forum.
3. Configuration on Friday and monitoring the CT arena during that week.
4. Posting setup bugs and post-setup results at the end of the week.
5. Enforcing player conduct rules in the CT arena when ever online.
6. Conduct is in a professional manner when dealing with the CT members.
CT Chair Responsibilities 1. Scheduling of staff shifts for arena rotations.
2. Responding to all CT players questions in the forums.
3. Managing elections and by-elections of the CT.
4. Resolving player conflicts online and in the forums if necessary.
5. Enforcing player suspensions with HTC if necessary.
6. Education and training of new CT staff members.
7. Management of CT staff and advisors.
8. Management of CT
memberid@HITECHCREATIONS.COM email addresses and staff email accounts.
9. Moderation and access to CT Staff forum and admin status to CT arena.
10. Appointment of temporary replacements for vacant staff by scheduling by-elections.
11. CT Chair can appoint temporary staff assignments if elections are within two months and no auxiliary are available for full-time status.
CT Staff Guidelines 1. All administrator CT staff positions are elected for one year terms.
2. Annual elections are held the second week in September.
3. Existing staff may reapply as candidates.
4. Positions are
- CT Administrator Chair.
- Three full time administrators.
- Three auxiliary advisor staff.
5. Full time staff is required to participate in the CT arena a minimum of four hours a month or 48 hours a year and post four setups a year.
6. Auxiliary are required to participate two hours a month or 24 hours a year in the CT Arena.
7. There is a one month hand-over period for new staff from old.
8. Retiring full time staff has privilege for advisory positions. If any advisory position is vacant one month prior to election, vacant seat(s) are elected.
9. Full time staff that re-run for positions and are defeated are not eligible for advisory roles.
10. All staff is eligible for a email account.
11. Any CT staff member may be asked to retire if in violation of their responsibilities or guidelines.
12. If member refuses to leave, Chair or full-time member will conduct a secret email vote amongst remaining staff to keep or retire the individual. A unanimous retire result is required for removal.
13. Auxiliary staff have priority over vacant positions are to be filled by backup staff. If more than one position is vacant, CT Chair can appoint an external candidate with a unanimous staff vote for temporary assignment until by-elections or September elections are held.
14. By-elections are required for all vacant positions if Election Day is more than two months away.
Auxiliary Staff1. Aux staff are advisors to full time staff.
2. Act as standby/assistants for posting setups on Friday.
3. Assist in the development and promotion of the Combat Theatre.
4. Fill in as requested for full time staff members shifts
Elections1. Election Day for the Combat Theatre is the second Friday of every September.
2. Nominations occur the week prior to Election Day.
3. Election Candidates require three CT players to nominate them for the position.
3. Nominations close on the last Friday prior to Election Day.
4. Candidates have four days to lure votes in their campaign (Monday - Thursday) prior to Election Day.
5. Voting occurs on the final day in a VOTE forum topic in the Combat Theatre discussion group. To vote, voter identifies the candidate, the position they are voting for.
6. At EOB Friday on Election Day, votes are tallied and results announced.
7. Existing staff have a one month hand-over period from new/old staff.