"Screw you and your details, I've already had a chunk of my ideas plagiarized. I have no intentions of handing out my ideas and then watch them half-assed implemented by the current CT staff." Dang, that sounds a LOT like old Voss/MetaVoss/whatever his handle is nowadays.
Bug, I really hope you get elected, and hope it gets HiTech's approval.
You've spewed out so much "inept", "out of touch", and other inflammatory and/or derogatory nonsense I think it would serve you right to get a turn at being a staffer.
You've already demonstrated a definite lack of personal skills and diplomacy, both of which are needed to perform the duties of a staffer. Be that as it may, I'd personally ask HiTech to overlook those shortcomings and give you the shot you feel you deserve.
I want you to feel the same things I did when I was with the staff:
Stay up all night working out details for base assignments.
Work out planesets that are as balanced as possible, only to have another (former) staffer go off on ya with an all caps "I CANNUT BELIVE WE ARE RUNING THIS SETUP!!! I AM IMBARASED THAT WE AR ALOWING THIS!!!!

" cause HE doesn't like it.
Go into the arena the morning of your setup, create the tables, adjust the settings, check, double-check, triple-check the planesets and vehicles, then finally, with a big lump in your throat, you open the arena.......only to find out an hour later that due to a glitch or bug in the arena, there are planes enabled and in the air that DO NOT show up as enabled, so you spend 15-45 minutes going BACK over things with a fine tooth comb, hopefully being able to enlist the aid of one of the players (two or three people can check things much faster than one can).
Log out, go get something to drink or eat, take a break for nature call, then.......
You realize this setup is YOUR baby, succeed or fail, it is yours, your idea...........and you are doing all this for free......actually, you are paying HTC for the right to sit up and worry about all this.
It was an experience full of highs and lows, well worth it, but as REAL LIFE things began to interfere, and I began to notice more and more MA style behavior for what it was, MA style gameplay and behavior, I voluntarily stepped down.
There is/was a slot available with my resignation.
C'mon, Bug, step up to the plate, knock one outta there.
We're all pullin for ya.