Guys I am not finger pointing. This post is not focused on "porking". There is nothing wrong with base capturing. I know this sounds contrary to my post but I hope I have explained it in other posts. There are no rules that say you can not capture. However, it is very frustrating at certian times to plan a mission for squad night when the bases needed to operate from, contrary to the map theme for the week, are no longer available. Some of you guys can plan a mission in 5 minutes. Thats not the way we do it. Stream14 has already posted part of a mission plan his guys once planed. It takes them a few days to plan and the mission is flown on thursdays.
A squad does not have to capture a base for the mission to be a success. Continuously attacking a base, or CV, can be fun for all and when you get tired of killing stuff, log off. When the base or CV gets captured or sunk, in some maps, the party is over and most log anyway. Whne you are having a party, capturing a base is much like someone removing the music from an awsome party!
For the month of July my squadron (five active pilots) captured 5 bases and sunk countless ships
One other CT squad captured 18 bases and sunk an undetermaned number of ships.
At least for the month of August, unless ordered be me, my squad will not be capturing ANY bases.