Not at all. I just think it's funny when anyone from the land of the Big Mac critiques any other country for their food.
This is quite funny really. While I won't defend McD's, the food isn't good for you but it is not bad tasting if you grew up with it, I have yet to run into too many restuarants advertising themselves as "an English restuarant".
I have heard of people going out for Italian food, Chinese food, for Greek and Thai food, I have heard of people going out to that German restuarant, to that Polish style restuarant, and many times saying "lets go out for some good burgers, but never, no never heard anyone say "I know honey, lets go out for English food tonight".
English Pubs are differant, for those who think having a social life is sitting in a smokey dark bar getting drunk to be a fun time, than the English Pub works just fine, with its nasty tasting beer, but come on Dowding, English food is not the most exciting stuff to be had.